lka / excel2zugferd

Create ZugFeRD compatible invoice pdf with data coming from Excel Sheet
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Can't save a pdf with the exe version #5

Closed maxik94 closed 2 months ago

maxik94 commented 2 months ago

Hey, first off: I'm an enduser not a dev, so please be patient with my noob-ness. :-D I downloaded the .exe on windows. I can startup the process, import a .xlsx, enter master data and click on save - but nothing happens? No error, no new file, just ... nothing?

Where am I going wrong?

Could you tell me what the save option is ought to do, and if (as I believe at least) it is supposed to save the excelsheet+master data to the pdf, where is the pdf saved then?

Thanks so much in advance!

lka commented 2 months ago

After starting the exe you have to initialize the masterdata once. There you define the path to your excel file, this is also the place where the pdf later will be produced. After this you can start again with working with the excel data sheets. Please take the example excel file and change it according to your needs.

maxik94 commented 2 months ago

thanks for the quick reply, however, I still can't really get it to work.

I edit the Masterdata (I can't define a path to the excel file here? However, I checked the button for attaching ZUGFeRD Data) and save it. It is saved whenever I restart the .exe, so I am pretty sure this is initialized as intended. Then I choose the excelfile (the TestRechnung in this case), choose Rechnung2 sheet and try clicking save, but nothing is created - neither in the excel path nor in the path where TestRechnung is located.

lka commented 2 months ago

That‘s ok. The output must be „Rechnung2.pdf“ in the Directory where TestRechnung.xlsx exists. The directory must be writeable. I tested it with Desktop and subdirectories of „Dokumente“. If something goes wrong, then an error Message will be produced.

To my understanding: you downloaded „“ unzipped it and executed the setup file. Then generated a link from C:\Programme (x86)\Excel2Zugferd\excel2zugferd.exe anywhere you want to execute it (I used Desktop). Then started this program?

maxik94 commented 2 months ago

Once again thanks for the fast reply. Initially I used the portable version, now I tried the setup version - yet it yields the same result, independent on where the xlsx file is located (e.g., documents, desktop, D:, ...)

"To my understanding: you downloaded „“ unzipped it and executed the setup file. Then generated a link from C:\Programme (x86)\Excel2Zugferd\excel2zugferd.exe anywhere you want to execute it (I used Desktop). Then started this program?" Yes!

image I can press "Speichern" as often as I want to, nothing happens (I would reckon there would be a pop-up if it was un-/successful?). I also tried changing masterdata, adding/removing the logo,...

lka commented 2 months ago

Please close the program and restart it again. Then select Excel-File without opening master data. Then double-click Rechnung2 or select Rechnung2 and then click on "Speichern". I recognize the same behaviour when changing masterdata before selecting Excel-File... Nothing happens after pressing "Speichern". Thanks for reporting the bug, I'll try to change it.

maxik94 commented 2 months ago

Thanks again for your answer. I tried exactly as you told me to - however, the outcome stays the same.. Doesn't seem to work on my Device. If it helps in troubleshooting: Win10, x64, 32gb RAM.