lkaino / Triflight

Triflight flight controller firmware for tricopters
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Beta 3 Yaw Center Stick Vibrations #62

Open hgg2k opened 6 years ago

hgg2k commented 6 years ago


I have finished building the Quanum Trifiecta with the F3 Deluxe board. In beta 2 I had a problem with the yaw servo turning left every time I lowered throttle, but in beta 3 it has been 99% solved! Great work.

Now I have another problem. When the servo is centered it starts oscillating badly, but when I start turning it to the left or the right, the oscillation goes away. During flight the problem is still there but to a lesser degree.

Small clip showing the problem :

I am using the EMAX ES09md digital servo but I have not used any feedback wire. Do you think that this might help to solve the problem? Any other suggestions?

Thank you.

vicdzen commented 6 years ago

Did you try to tune yaw PIDs? P and D mostly

hgg2k commented 6 years ago

Yes. That was the first thing I did. It had no effect whatsoever.

ResinSmoker commented 5 years ago

Your I term determines how aggressively the Yaw will attempt to move with the RC commands. The I-Term acts to stabilize the copter and help prevent overshoot to some degree. The D-Term acts as sort of a system dampener, thus smoothing out the whole system at the cost of increased noise.

I'd suggest P60 / I30 / D20 as good starting points for Yaw. Beyond that, try to keep your D low and only increase the I if the copter tends to drift. Keep your filtering either at the defaults or such that you don't introduce a lot of latency into the system. After that do a flight with a lot of stick movements and pull your BF log. Use this to create a Plasmatree plot to best estimate what Terms need to be adjusted further.