lkarsten / fdxread

Nexus FDX decoder for Garmin GND10
GNU General Public License v2.0
15 stars 4 forks source link

Not working with python2 (Was: MACOS Sierra) #3

Open ygageot opened 7 years ago

ygageot commented 7 years ago

I just installed the software on MACOS Sierra version 10.12.3. I had a first test with ./fdxread dumps/gnd10-and-displays.dump

I have a lot of messages like WARNING:root:Ignoring exception: missing tailer.

I tried also the testall program and it is the same. A CR/LF trouble ?

Thanks for your help

ygageot commented 7 years ago

For your information: I just install the version on my RPi2 (Raspbian 7 wheezy) and I have the same warning.

lkarsten commented 7 years ago


Nice to hear from you. Where did you install this version from? If it was pypitest, that shouldn't be used at the moment.

I reran using the version in git now (0ab2027) and that works as expected for me:

./fdxread --seek 3000 dumps/onsdagsregatta-2016-08-17.dump | head

The gnd10-and-displays.dump file isn't the best file to test with, recommend you use onsdagsregatta-2016-08-17.dump instead.

ygageot commented 7 years ago

I made : git clone to obtain the version

If i do : ./fdxread --seek 3000 dumps/onsdagsregatta-2016-08-17.dump | head like you

I have only manies : WARNING:root:Ignoring exception: missing tailer

lkarsten commented 7 years ago

Ah, sorry! Now I understand - it is that you're using Python 2.

Travis is detecting the same on , but I haven't gotten around to look at it yet. Something about matching inside a bytes() being different.

Can you install python 3 and try again? I'm using 3.6, but 3.5 should work fine as well.

ygageot commented 7 years ago

Sorry, i am not familiar with python;


and it works


NB : I have to do the same on my RPi ...

ygageot commented 7 years ago

It is done on my RPi and it works. Thanks.

NB: I plan these week to connect my Mac and/or my RPI to Nexus WSI box with an USB/RS485 cable. I hope to obtain a connection and log the traffic. I will try your software with serial entry. And I will try also a small nodejs program I wrote to dump the traffic with your dump format I will give you news !!!

lkarsten commented 7 years ago


Good to hear you got it working!

I'll make an effort to clean up the problems you ran into in the coming days.

I'd love some data dumps from your WSI box. The libfdx/ program can be used for that. Please, if possible, also record (write down, or take a picture of) what your displays/instruments are showing when you dump it, otherwise we just have data and not information. :)

ygageot commented 7 years ago

I will move tomorrow and I will have access to my static boat. I plan to take pictures of wind+depth+watertemp+battery+pression+rsi the boat speed/VMG will be zero ! A first step !!

lkarsten commented 7 years ago

Re installation issue: Running on Python 2 should work fine again now with 3618b173 (incl. refactor in 7cc518f5) commited and pushed today.