lkarsten / fdxread

Nexus FDX decoder for Garmin GND10
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Nexus network connection (WSI Box) #7

Open ygageot opened 7 years ago

ygageot commented 7 years ago

I made yesterday a first try to connect my Mac to Nexus network

On the boat I have a WSI box (pack 4) I have my Mac (Sierra) I have a serial cable for RS-485 (Cf. link) For easy access, I connect my cable to White and Yellow plugs in parallel behind the Sea Data instrument and first I have errors on the instruments. I switched the 2 cables (White=DataB=TDX- Yellow=DataA=TDX+ ) and then no error and my cable RDX led detect traffic. I run a small nodejs program to capture traffic and dump it in your Fdxread dump format. I seems to work but with many long sentences... In parallel, I read and snap the basic values : AWA,AWS,BSP,RSI,DPT,BAT,TMP,hPA

I configured with 8-N-1 serial definition (1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, No parity) and 9600 bds.

At home I see that the sentences are not good, too longs and first bytes not good.

Next week I will test more because I will have more time. I will try parity changes and will check also with programs fdxread and serial2dump.

91oowfnyjwl _sl1500_

ygageot commented 7 years ago

In your fdxprotocol.rst file it is written : RS485 based on 9600 baud. 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 parity bit.

I think it means 1 stop bit because there is always 1 start bit ...

Have you some more informations about parity type ?

lkarsten commented 7 years ago

Expedition has this documented:

Connection settings
Expedition will set the serial port settings below. Do not change these.
Baud rate 19200
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 2
On start up, the FDX server will be in NMEA mode. Expedition switches the server to FDX mode.
To revert to NMEA, the Nexus server has to be powered off and on.

I'll clean up the fdxprotocol.rst file a bit, that part was written in the early days.

ygageot commented 7 years ago

Thanks I am shure it is 9600 but I will try 2 stop bits (Next week !!!)

gzahl commented 4 years ago

@ygageot I have also a WSI box and am interested in listening to it. Have you made any progress?