lkcampbell / brackets-indent-guides

A Brackets extension to show indent guides in the code editor
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Removed the indent guide on the first column #5

Closed KennethSundqvist closed 11 years ago

KennethSundqvist commented 11 years ago

Since the gutter effectively acts as the first indentation guide at position zero I made the extension starts drawing the guides after the first indentation. Makes it look a bit cleaner without losing clarity.

lkcampbell commented 11 years ago

Yeah, I like it. Cleaner, more elegant. Definitely appeals to my minimalist sensibilities :).

athyuttamre commented 10 years ago

Would it be possible to make this an option up to the user? I personally prefer indent guides in the first column (Sublime Text fan), and would love to have them back.

lkcampbell commented 10 years ago

@athyuttamre, probably the easiest way is just to manually remove the :not(:first-child) string from the css file (see the files change).

If not, do you have an idea as to how this option work would work? Are you talking about an extra menu item or a dialog box or what?

lkcampbell commented 10 years ago

Follow up. A Brackets extension developer has created some reusable code to add extension preferences at:

As an alternative, there is a Trello card outlining a plan for User Preferences for the core Brackets code:

The research story associated with the card discusses adding a mechanism for extension preferences as well.

If the first solution is not too much work, I will see if I can implement this request in some preferences. Otherwise, I will wait until preferences support is written into Brackets core.

In the mean time, as I stated above, you can always find the extension in the extensions folder and make a change to the CSS file.

athyuttamre commented 10 years ago

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly! I think we can wait until Brackets has preferences support built right in -- until then, editing the CSS should work for me.