Closed euler007 closed 9 months ago
So in visual mode JupyterExecute sends just the last line to the Jupyter console as opposed to the whole visual block.
return { "lkhphuc/jupyter-kernel.nvim", opts = { inspect = { -- opts for vim.lsp.util.open_floating_preview window = { max_width = 84, }, }, -- time to wait for kernel's response in seconds timeout = 0.5, }, cmd = {"JupyterAttach", "JupyterInspect", "JupyterExecute"}, build = ":UpdateRemotePlugins", vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>[", "<CMD>JupyterInspect<CR>", {desc = "Inspect object"}), vim.keymap.set("n","<leader>=", "<CMD>JupyterExecute<CR>", {desc = "Execute object"}), vim.keymap.set("v","<leader>=", "<CMD>JupyterExecute<CR>", {desc = "Execute object"}), }
Here is my config file. Any help is appreciated
vim.keymap.set("v","<leader>=", "<CMD>'<,'>JupyterExecute<CR>", {desc = "Execute object"}),
Found out the mistake. Visual mode keycap is supposed to be set like this
So in visual mode JupyterExecute sends just the last line to the Jupyter console as opposed to the whole visual block.
Here is my config file. Any help is appreciated