This looks incredible, thanks for making it available! It will be an awesome addition to my Free Life Planner project, which is undertaken in a similar spirit:
However, I am unclear how to run DoctorGPT on Linux PC. The instructions say how to build for Android or iOS. Could you please if possible also either add instructions to run on Linux PC or if they already exists please direct me to the Linux PC installation instructions? I would prefer to download the models and avoid training if possible, and also have instructions how to run inference with it and especially to have the ability to run as a server if possible.
Adding to this, yes, this is a great project and will be very useful. However, the instructions for local training don't seem to work at this time - training.pynb doesn't exist in the repository. Thank you!
❓ General Questions
This looks incredible, thanks for making it available! It will be an awesome addition to my Free Life Planner project, which is undertaken in a similar spirit:
However, I am unclear how to run DoctorGPT on Linux PC. The instructions say how to build for Android or iOS. Could you please if possible also either add instructions to run on Linux PC or if they already exists please direct me to the Linux PC installation instructions? I would prefer to download the models and avoid training if possible, and also have instructions how to run inference with it and especially to have the ability to run as a server if possible.