llTheBlankll / attendance-management-angular

robust Attendance Management System tailored for the Philippine education sector. Built with Spring Boot, WebSocket, and Angular, it offers real-time updates, secure JWT authentication, attendance analytics, and an intuitive interface. Efficiently track and manage attendance with tailored insights and notifications
Apache License 2.0
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Teacher Section Manage Component #7

Open llTheBlankll opened 2 months ago

llTheBlankll commented 2 months ago

The Teacher Section Component should contain the following:

Overall Attendance Rate:

The overall attendance rate for the class, displayed as a percentage, would be crucial. This statistic gives a quick overview of the class's attendance health.

Attendance Trends:

Breaking down attendance rates over time, such as daily, weekly, and monthly trends, can help identify patterns. For example, are there specific days of the week with higher absence rates? Identifying these trends can help teachers spot potential issues.

Attendance History

Access to historical attendance data for previous terms or years can help identify long-term attendance trends and improvements (or declines) in individual student attendance.

Any web design for each component is very much appreciated! There are still many things missing in the REST API of Attendance Management System To see the progress of the REST API, go to the repository of Attendance System API Spring Boot.

There is a installation instruction of it, open the file INSTALL.md of that repository.
Unfortunately, I am the only person who is working on these projects so the progress is minimal.