llTheBlankll / attendance-management-angular

robust Attendance Management System tailored for the Philippine education sector. Built with Spring Boot, WebSocket, and Angular, it offers real-time updates, secure JWT authentication, attendance analytics, and an intuitive interface. Efficiently track and manage attendance with tailored insights and notifications
Apache License 2.0
2 stars 1 forks source link

Hiii Developers!!!! #8

Open llTheBlankll opened 2 months ago

llTheBlankll commented 2 months ago

Greetings Developers!

Hii Developers! If you're here to contribute, I'll be thankful! I am currently working on this project but the progress is minimal. Recently, I've been learning Angular in my free time and this is the project I'm working on for my learning. Any suggestions, questions, issues, recommendations, anything that will increase the progress of this project would be much appreciated. As I am the only person working on this project, it would be a great help you can help me finish this project. :smile:


This Attendance Management System is supposedly for non-profit organizations like my School. But this project can also be used by Private Schools and can also be used as a reference. The main purpose of this is to keep track of the attendance of each student but if the progress allows it, this can be used as School Management System.


I'll finish this project and its REST API (Attendance System API Springboot). In the future, if I have time to learn Android Development, I'll use this API for creating the Android App of the Attendance Management System.