local ufcUtils = require("ufcPatch\utilities\ufcPatchUtils")
ufcPatchMH60R = {}
function ufcPatchMH60R.generateUFCData()
-- Access the UH60 Main panel & other devices from DCS
local MainPanel = GetDevice(0)
local UHFRadio = GetDevice(5)
local FMRadio1 = GetDevice(6)
local VHFRadio = GetDevice(8)
local FMRadio2 = GetDevice(10)
local HFRadio = GetDevice(12)
--Initial Data
local PwrSwpos = MainPanel:get_argument_value(17)
--Checks UH-60 power and starts data pull
if PwrSwpos == 1 then
FM1Freq = FMRadio1:get_frequency()
UHFFreq = UHFRadio:get_frequency()
VHFFreq = VHFRadio:get_frequency()
FM2Freq = FMRadio2:get_frequency()
HFFreq = HFRadio:get_frequency()
FuelInfo = get_param_handle("CDU_FUEL_DIGITS"):get()
AuxFuelInfoLO = get_param_handle("AFMS_DISPLAY_OUTBD_L"):get()
AuxFuelInfoLI = get_param_handle("AFMS_DISPLAY_INBD_L"):get()
AuxFuelInfoRI = get_param_handle("AFMS_DISPLAY_INBD_R"):get()
AuxFuelInfoRO = get_param_handle("AFMS_DISPLAY_OUTBD_R"):get()
AuxFuelTank = MainPanel:get_argument_value(462)
WepsRotaryInfo = get_param_handle("WepsRotarySelector"):get()
MasterArmInfo = MainPanel:get_argument_value(2004)
SonarArmInfo = MainPanel:get_argument_value(2000) --SonoBuoy Master Arm
-- Got these argument values from: mainpanel_init.lua
local digits = {
math.floor((MainPanel:get_argument_value(174)+0.05) * 10), --Need to round Radar Alt values, see Huey file for more info
math.floor((MainPanel:get_argument_value(175)+0.05) * 10),
math.floor((MainPanel:get_argument_value(176)+0.05) * 10),
math.floor((MainPanel:get_argument_value(177)+0.05) * 10)
-- Parse digits and build the radar alt string
local radarAltitudeString = ""
for index, value in ipairs(digits) do
local digitToAppend = value
if value >= 10 then
digitToAppend = 0
radarAltitudeString = radarAltitudeString..digitToAppend
--Flare Count
local flaredigit = {
math.floor(MainPanel:get_argument_value(554) * 10),
math.floor((MainPanel:get_argument_value(555)+0.05) * 10)
local flarecount = ""
for index, value in ipairs(flaredigit) do
local flaredigitToAppend = value
if value >= 10 then
flaredigitToAppend = 0
flarecount = flarecount..flaredigitToAppend
--Chaff Count
local chaffdigit = {
math.floor(MainPanel:get_argument_value(556) * 10),
math.floor((MainPanel:get_argument_value(557)+0.05) * 10)
local chaffcount = ""
for index, value in ipairs(chaffdigit) do
local chaffdigitToAppend = value
if value >= 10 then
chaffdigitToAppend = 0
chaffcount = chaffcount..chaffdigitToAppend
--Combined Flare/Chaff Count (Not Currently Used, retained as an option)
local flarechaffdigit = {
math.floor(MainPanel:get_argument_value(554) * 10),
math.floor((MainPanel:get_argument_value(555)+0.05) * 10),
math.floor(MainPanel:get_argument_value(556) * 10),
math.floor((MainPanel:get_argument_value(557)+0.05) * 10)
local flarechaffcount = ""
for index, value in ipairs(flarechaffdigit) do
local flarechaffdigitToAppend = value
if value >= 10 then
flarechaffdigitToAppend = 0
flarechaffcount = flarechaffcount..flarechaffdigitToAppend
--Countermeassures Arm Status (Not Currently Used, retained as an option)
local CMdigits = {math.floor(MainPanel:get_argument_value(558)*10)}
local CMString = ""
for index, value in ipairs(CMdigits) do
local CMdigitToAppend = value
if value >= 10.1 then
CMdigitToAppend = 0
CMString = CMString..CMdigitToAppend
if value == 0 then
CMDisplay = "X"
elseif value > 0 then
CMDisplay = "A"
local Headingdigits = {math.floor(MainPanel:get_argument_value(120) * 360)}
local HeadingString = ""
for index, value in ipairs(Headingdigits) do
local HeadingdigitToAppend = value
if value >= 359.99 then
HeadingdigitToAppend = 0
HeadingString = tostring(value)
if value < 10 then
HeadingString = "00"..value.."T" --Using "T" for true heading, as even though we are pulling the mag compass from the UH-60 it is actually providing true heading in game... UH-60 base module issue
elseif value >= 100 then
HeadingString = ""..value.."T" --Using "T" for true heading, as even though we are pulling the mag compass from the UH-60 it is actually providing true heading in game... UH-60 base module issue
elseif value >= 10 then
HeadingString = "0"..value.."T" --Using "T" for true heading, as even though we are pulling the mag compass from the UH-60 it is actually providing true heading in game... UH-60 base module issue
--Fuel (Internal)
local Fueldigits = {math.floor(FuelInfo)}
local FuelString = ""
for index, value in ipairs(Fueldigits) do
local FueldigitToAppend = value
if value >= 8889 then
FueldigitToAppend = 0
FuelString = FuelString..FueldigitToAppend
--Aux Fuel (Not Currently Used, retained as an option if the MH-60R gets operable Aux Tanks)
if AuxFuelTank == 1 then
AuxFuelString = AuxFuelInfoLI
elseif AuxFuelTank == 0 then
AuxFuelString = AuxFuelInfoLO
--AN/ARC 201 FM1
local FM1digits = {math.floor(FM1Freq / 1000)}
local FM1String = ""
for index, value in ipairs(FM1digits) do
local FM1digitToAppend = value
if value >= 88000 then
FM1digitToAppend = 88000
FM1String = FM1String..FM1digitToAppend
--AN/ARC 164 UHF
local UHFdigits = {math.floor(UHFFreq / 1000)}
local UHFString = ""
for index, value in ipairs(UHFdigits) do
local UHFdigitToAppend = value
if value >= 225000 then
UHFdigitToAppend = 225000
UHFString = UHFString..UHFdigitToAppend
--AN/ARC 186 VHF
local VHFdigits = {math.floor(VHFFreq / 1000)}
local VHFString = ""
for index, value in ipairs(VHFdigits) do
local VHFdigitToAppend = value
if value >= 152000 then
VHFdigitToAppend = 152000
VHFString = VHFString..VHFdigitToAppend
--AN/ARC 201 FM2
local FM2digits = {math.floor(FM2Freq / 1000)}
local FM2String = ""
for index, value in ipairs(FM2digits) do
local FM2digitToAppend = value
if value >= 88000 then
FM2digitToAppend = 88000
FM2String = FM2String..FM2digitToAppend
--AN/ARC 220 HF
local HFdigits = {math.floor(HFFreq / 1000)}
local HFString = ""
for index, value in ipairs(HFdigits) do
local HFdigitToAppend = value
if value >= 30000 then
HFdigitToAppend = 30000
HFString = HFString..HFdigitToAppend
--Pilot ICP
local ICPdigits = {math.floor(MainPanel:get_argument_value(400) * 5)}
local ICPdisplay = ""
for index, value in ipairs(ICPdigits) do
local ICPdisplayToAppend = value
if value >= 10 then
ICPdisplayToAppend = 0
ICPdisplay = ICPdisplay..ICPdisplayToAppend
if value == 0 then
RadioDisplay = "000000"
RadioDisplay1 = "I"
RadioDisplay2 = "C"
elseif value == 1 then
RadioDisplay = FM1String
RadioDisplay1 = "F"
RadioDisplay2 = "1"
elseif value == 2 then
RadioDisplay = UHFString
RadioDisplay1 = "U"
RadioDisplay2 = "H"
elseif value == 3 then
RadioDisplay = VHFString
RadioDisplay1 = "V"
RadioDisplay2 = "H"
elseif value == 4 then
RadioDisplay = FM2String
RadioDisplay1 = "F"
RadioDisplay2 = "2"
elseif value == 5 then
RadioDisplay = 2--HFString (Commented out & hard coded to 2 (matches SRS) until HF Radio Implimented for UH-60)
RadioDisplay1 = "H"
RadioDisplay2 = "F"
--Seahawk Weapons and Sonar
local MasterArmDigit = {math.floor(MasterArmInfo)}
local MasterArmDisplay = ""
for index, value in ipairs(MasterArmDigit) do
local MasterArmDisplayToAppend = value
if value >= 1 then
MasterArmDisplayToAppend = 1
MasterArmDisplay = MasterArmDisplay..MasterArmDisplayToAppend
if value == 1 then
MasterArmDisplay1 = "ARMD"
elseif value == 0 then
MasterArmDisplay1 = "SAFE"
local SonarArmDigit = {math.floor(SonarArmInfo)}
local SonarArmDisplay = ""
for index, value in ipairs(SonarArmDigit) do
local SonarArmDisplayToAppend = value
if value >= 1 then
SonarArmDisplayToAppend = 1
SonarArmDisplay = SonarArmDisplay..SonarArmDisplayToAppend
if value == 1 then
SonarArmDisplay1 = "SONO"
elseif value == 0 then
SonarArmDisplay1 = "SAFE"
--Send info to UFC components
return ufcUtils.buildSimAppProUFCPayload({
scratchPadNumbers=RadioDisplay, --Freq of Slectected Radio
option1=radarAltitudeString, --Altitiude
option2=HeadingString, --Heading
option3=FuelString, --Total Fuel (Internal)
option4=MasterArmDisplay1, --Master Arm Status
option5=SonarArmDisplay1, --Sonar Status
com1=flarecount, --Flare Count
com2=chaffcount, --Chaff Count
scratchPadString1=RadioDisplay1, --RadioType1
scratchPadString2=RadioDisplay2 --RadioType2
local ufcUtils = require("ufcPatch\utilities\ufcPatchUtils")
ufcPatchMH60R = {}
function ufcPatchMH60R.generateUFCData()
--Radios --AN/ARC 201 FM1 local FM1digits = {math.floor(FM1Freq / 1000)}
return ufcPatchMH60R --v1.0 by ANDR0ID