llamasoft / Puca-Power

A JavaScript utility for better trading on PucaTrade.com
MIT License
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No search results #26

Closed szwanger closed 8 years ago

szwanger commented 8 years ago

I can't get any results from Puca-Power. After I click Start under "Auto-Refresh Page", the page just sits there. See screenshot: puca-power screenshot

llamasoft commented 8 years ago

I just checked and it worked just fine for me.

In the JavaScript console, please run pucaPower.debugLevel = 3;, hit Start, then send me what the console shows. Please also include your browser name and version.

szwanger commented 8 years ago

I'm using Firefox 47.0.

[3] - Loaded 261 trades pucaPower.js:126:13 [3] - Loaded 263 trades pucaPower.js:126:13 [3] - Loaded 316 trades pucaPower.js:126:13

I'm now got results but it's grouping them by card instead of by trader, which isn't very helpful. Also, if I open up a new tab to search for people who want a specific card, then all the Puca-Power search results disappear.

llamasoft commented 8 years ago

Puca Power uses the table sorting method you've selected. You can click one of the column headings to change the sort. The sort will take effect on the page refresh.

As for searching clearing the result table, that's a PucaTrade issue and not something I can speak to.