llamasoft / Puca-Power

A JavaScript utility for better trading on PucaTrade.com
MIT License
35 stars 15 forks source link

Plans for supporting Future Sight? #30

Open eengstrom opened 7 years ago

eengstrom commented 7 years ago

Are there plans to modify Puca-Power to support Future Sight?

llamasoft commented 7 years ago

Could you elaborate on this? Do Future Sight cards result in errors when using PucaPower?

eengstrom commented 7 years ago

Sorry - as in PucaTrades new site design.

NStodd commented 7 years ago

Here is the error that appears when attempting to run Puca-Power on the new trades site: VM485:187 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Document': '<script>' is not a valid selector.(…)

Admittedly, I haven't run Puca-Power before so I'm just going off of the instructions on the main page.

llamasoft commented 7 years ago

I have plans for adding support for Future Sight but my personal life has been quite busy lately.
Given the major site overhaul, Puca Power will most likely need an overhaul at well, especially Puca Power's back end. I had previously started on a back-end overhaul, but creating Puca Power the first time taught me that I'm going to spend 80% of my time dealing with the UI and interacting with page elements.

I'll do what I can to post updates as I make progress.