llaville / php-compatinfo

Library that find out the minimum version and the extensions required for a piece of code to run
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new secookie signature not recognized #360

Closed MaMaKow closed 1 year ago

MaMaKow commented 1 year ago

My project uses the new signature of setcookie(), which is available as of PHP 7.3.0: setcookie(string $name, string $value = "", array $options = []): bool But the result of your analysis is 7.0.2

Conditions Analysis

Condition                                    Matches REF      EXT min/Max PHP min/Max
defined(LANG)                                1       user                 4.0.0
defined(LANGUAGE)                            1       user                 4.0.0
defined(LC_COLLATE)                          1       standard 4.0.0       4.0.0
defined(LC_CTYPE)                            1       standard 4.0.0       4.0.0
defined(LC_MESSAGES)                         1       standard 4.0.0       4.0.0
defined(OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256)                 1       openssl  5.4.8       5.4.8
defined(PHP_VERSION_ID)                      1       Core     5.2.7       5.2.7
defined(PKCS7_TEXT)                          2       openssl  4.0.6       4.0.6
defined(STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLSv1_2_CLIENT) 1       standard 5.6.0alpha3 5.6.0alpha3
defined(_ZAPCAL)                             5       user                 4.0.0
defined(_ZAPCAL_BASE)                        1       user                 4.0.0
function_exists(gethostname)                 1       standard 5.3.0       5.3.0
function_exists(hash_hmac)                   1       hash     1.1         4.0.0
function_exists(idn_to_ascii)                1       intl     1.0.2       5.2.4
function_exists(imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist)   1       imap     4.0.0       4.0.0
function_exists(mb_convert_encoding)         1       mbstring 4.0.6       4.0.6
function_exists(mb_strlen)                   1       mbstring 4.0.6       4.0.6
function_exists(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes) 1       openssl  5.3.0       5.3.0
function_exists(posix_getpwuid)              1       posix    4.0.0       4.0.0
function_exists(random_bytes)                1       standard 7.0.2       7.0.2
function_exists(sapi_windows_cp_get)         1       user                 4.0.0
function_exists(stream_socket_client)        1       standard 5.0.0       5.0.0
Total [22]                                                                7.0.2

Requires PHP 7.0.2 (min), PHP 7.0.2 (all)

llaville commented 1 year ago

Dupplicated with #359