llaville / php-compatinfo

Library that find out the minimum version and the extensions required for a piece of code to run
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`random_bytes` and `random_int` are detected as `random` extension functions and PHP 8.2 min version requirement #372

Closed llaville closed 5 months ago

llaville commented 5 months ago

Discussed in https://github.com/llaville/php-compatinfo/discussions/371

Originally posted by **MocioF** March 18, 2024 Hi, I'm starting using this tool to inspect the code base of a wp plugin. I need some help interpreting the output. php-compatinfo says that minimum php version required is 8.2.0beta1 but I think this is a false result because my plugin runs on PHP 7.4. In the extension list I see 2 values greater than 7.4. One is for a "random" extension, detected on functions random_bytes and_random_int that should be in the core https://www.php.net/manual/it/random.installation.php The other one is for "core" that asks for a minimum PHP 8.1.0alpha1 (when php-compatinfo is run on PHP 8.1.26-r1 (compiled on gentoo). Is there something i misunderstand in this output: ``` Extensions Analysis ------------------- Extension REF EXT min/Max PHP min/Max PHP suggest core core 8.1.0alpha1 8.1.0alpha1 ctype ctype 4.0.4 7.1.0 4.0.4 date date 4.0.0 4.0.0 dom dom 5.0.0 5.0.0 filter filter 0.11.0 5.0.0 hash hash 1.1 4.0.0 intl intl 1.0.0beta 5.2.0 json json 1.2.1 5.3.0 libxml libxml 7.0.0alpha1 7.0.0alpha1 mbstring mbstring 7.2.0alpha1 7.1.0 7.2.0alpha1 pcre pcre 4.0.0 4.0.1 random random 8.2.0beta1 8.2.0beta1 standard standard 7.2.0alpha1 7.1.0 4.0.0 Total [13] 8.2.0beta1 ```
llaville commented 5 months ago

Existing Random Number functions moved to the new random extension since PHP 8.2.0

But If you analyse a source code on previous platform like PHP 8.1 or less, the rule is that you should get expected version PHP min = 7.0.2

Component impacted is PHP CompatInfo DB that handle versionning of all elements including Doctrine ORM queries.

llaville commented 5 months ago

@MocioF FYI : I've already found what I think to be the best fix for this issue. I'll test it more to see if I find any regression. In case all will be ok, I'll release a PHP CompatInfo DB 6.4.1 that will include the correction.

All you'll then to do is run composer update

MocioF commented 5 months ago

Thanks @llaville, I will upgrade the software, when you will merge the update.

llaville commented 5 months ago


For developers who want to learn more about this issue. Try these few examples to understand what's happens with CompatInfo DB releases 6.4.0 or lower.

Example with class AMQPException

vendor/bin/doctrine dbal:run-sql 'select * from classes where name = "AMQPException";'
 ---- -------------- --------------- ----------- ------- ---------- ------------- --------- --------- ---------
  id   extension_id   name            interface   flags   polyfill   ext_min       ext_max   php_min   php_max
 ---- -------------- --------------- ----------- ------- ---------- ------------- --------- --------- ---------
  3    1              AMQPException   0           1                  0.1.0                   5.2.0
  16   1              AMQPException   0           1                  2.0.0alpha1             7.4.0
 ---- -------------- --------------- ----------- ------- ---------- ------------- --------- --------- ---------

Before fix, you should get php_min = 5.2.0 whatever platform you are on

After fix, you will have php_min = 7.4.0 if your platform is PHP 7.4.0 or greater and php_min = 5.2.0 if your platform is PHP 7.3.x or lower

Example with constant T_BAD_CHARACTER

vendor/bin/doctrine dbal:run-sql 'select * from constants where name = "T_BAD_CHARACTER";'
 ------ -------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------- ------------ --------- --------- ------------ ---------
  id     extension_id   name              declaring_class   polyfill   deprecated   ext_min   ext_max   php_min      php_max
 ------ -------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------- ------------ --------- --------- ------------ ---------
  6842   94             T_BAD_CHARACTER                                             4.2.0               4.2.0        5.6.40
  6977   94             T_BAD_CHARACTER                                             7.4.0               7.4.0beta1
 ------ -------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------- ------------ --------- --------- ------------ ---------

Before fix, you should get php_min = 4.2.0 whatever platform you are on

After fix, you will have php_min = 7.4.0beta1 if your platform is PHP 7.4.0 or greater and php_min = 4.2.0 if your platform is PHP 7.3.x or lower

Example with function random_int

vendor/bin/doctrine dbal:run-sql 'select * from functions where name = "random_int";'
 ------ -------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ----------------- ----------- ------- ---------- ------------ --------- ------------ ---------
  id     extension_id   name         parameters   excludes   declaring_class   prototype   flags   polyfill   ext_min      ext_max   php_min      php_max
 ------ -------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ----------------- ----------- ------- ---------- ------------ --------- ------------ ---------
  5275   65             random_int                                                         1                  8.2.0beta1             8.2.0beta1
  7969   86             random_int                                                         1                  7.0.2                  7.0.2
 ------ -------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ----------------- ----------- ------- ---------- ------------ --------- ------------ ---------

Before fix, you should get php_min = 8.2.0beta1 whatever platform you are on

After fix, you will have php_min = 8.2.0beta1 if your platform is PHP 8.2.0 or greater and php_min = 7.0.2 if your platform is PHP 8.2.0 or lower

llaville commented 5 months ago

PHP CompatInfo DB 6.4.1 has just been released !

llaville commented 5 months ago

PHP CompatInfo DB 6.4.2 has just been released !

And a PHP CompatInfo 7.1.3 is on way ...

llaville commented 5 months ago

PHP CompatInfo 7.1.3 has just been released !