llealloo / audiolink

Audio reactive prefabs for VRChat
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Convert over to chillout please #187

Closed brexmania123 closed 2 years ago

brexmania123 commented 2 years ago

are there any plans to convert audio link to chillout vr. i hope so. thank you

Pokeduel commented 2 years ago

Supposedly i've heard minimal works if you want to try that

pema99 commented 2 years ago

I've seen people use Audiolink in CVR before, but I don't know the steps involve. Google around for it, perhaps.

I don't think any active contributor is seriously considering something like this, but contributions are always welcome, in this case so long as they don't damage or impair the existing VRC use case.

DomNomNomVR commented 2 years ago

I'm looking into this at the moment.

DomNomNomVR commented 2 years ago

So it seems like the audio data from ChilloutVR makes it into the AudioLink shader via the CVRAudioMaterialParser component.

There is apparently a ported AudioLinkController prefab floating about in DM's but because of Rule §9 "Do not share assets of any kind." on the CVR discord, I have not yet been able to get my hands on it yet.

DjShinter commented 2 years ago

Audio link is already supported.

DomNomNomVR commented 2 years ago

@DjShinter Yes, but it seems like worlds still need to have something in them to drive the AudioLink render texture. That part still needs to have an official source.

DomNomNomVR commented 2 years ago

Someone got back to me about the package that exists already: https://domnomnom.com/ChilloutVR/CVR_AudioLink_Unofficial.unitypackage Credit apparently goes to Khodrin.

In the long run I think it's better if there is a repo for this rather than a package shared in DM's or on a personal webserver.

DomNomNomVR commented 2 years ago

@llealloo What do you think is the best way to structure the repos? I'm putting my hand up to maintain the open source CVR side of things.

The approaches I can see:

  1. Maintain one repo and build both CVR and VRC releases from it
  2. Me creating a fork of this repo
  3. Create an agnostic shared repo for the core part which does not depend on a SDK of any game

My current opinion on these are:

  1. Centralized, which makes bug reports easy. Downside is that contributors need to have SDK's from both ChilloutVR and VRChat. The release process might need to get more complex to include / exclude the right things. Might confuse users who download the wrong build. Renaming the repo would be appropriate.
  2. Easy to make progress on in the short term. Might become annoying for maintainers in the long term if there's lots of features being added / changed which need merging across repos.
  3. I think this is the philosophically correct way of doing it but the worst in practice due to the potential for pain where there isn't a clean interface that's separable. For instance, the AudioLinkController itself has interwoven stuff that could be shared and parts that can't. There's the potential for version-hell where an interface change might be very easy to change on one side but hard on the other.

Overall, I prefer option 2.) at the moment but I want to hear other voices on this as I have lots of respect for the people who built this and I want cool shader stuff to happen no matter what platform people prefer.

pema99 commented 2 years ago

@DomNomNomVR FWIW I vote for the second option. Creating releases is currently quite manual, and development on AudioLink nowadays is generally pretty slow. It would also give you full control over the CVR related stuff, which I'm not sure how many of the regular contributors care too much about.

llealloo commented 2 years ago

I agree that as far as short term time tables go, option 2 seems like the best fit as well

As a heads up, it is likely in the coming months that there will be significant upgrades- including a new controller and addition of one or more new core features like auto-gain, etc.

Hopefully this helps inform your decision. While it is true that I currently don't have much personal interest or investment in official support for CVR, this doesn't mean that won't change in the future! Ultimately I am happy and excited to see people using taking advantage of the amazing teamwork & collaboration that's gone into AudioLink regardless of the platform.

DomNomNomVR commented 2 years ago

Sweet! :D I've created a CVR fork over here: https://github.com/DomNomNomVR/cvr-audio-link