llecompte / SVJedi

SV genotyping with long reads
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UnboundLocalError #6

Closed Fishball-zyw closed 3 years ago

Fishball-zyw commented 3 years ago

After running: python svjedi.py -v merge.new.vcf -r GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna -i group7.fq.gz -o group7.svjedi.vcf -d ont -t 4

I got this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/hwfssz4/BC_PUB/Software/07.User-defined/04.Medical/zhangyuanwei/SVJedi/svjedi.py", line 193, in main(sys.argv[1:]) File "/hwfssz4/BC_PUB/Software/07.User-defined/04.Medical/zhangyuanwei/SVJedi/svjedi.py", line 186, in main genotype.genotype(paf_file, vcf_file, output_file, min_support, d_over, d_end, l_adj) File "/hwfssz4/BC_PUB/Software/07.User-defined/04.Medical/zhangyuanwei/SVJedi/modules/genotype.py", line 135, in genotype decision_vcf(dict_of_informative_aln, vcf_without_gt, outputfile, min_aln, l_adj) File "/hwfssz4/BC_PUB/Software/07.User-defined/04.Medical/zhangyuanwei/SVJedi/modules/genotype.py", line 366, in decision_vcf

And it is strange that I only got this error on 3 of 7 samples from the same ONT sequencing batch.

Please help me.

robinycfang commented 3 years ago

same here...my output vcf has only header lines

clemaitre commented 3 years ago

Hi @Fishball-zyw and @robinycfang,

thank you for letting us know of this bug. commit 967a3f4 should fix this bug. If this is not the case, please let us know ! It happened to some datasets only, those where the first variant of the vcf has not enough support to be genotyped (missing genotype).

Regards, Claire

hdore commented 3 years ago

Hello, Thank you for developing this tool! Just a comment here: this is not yet fixed in the version available through conda (1.1.4). It's easy to fix by changing "prob" to "proba" in line 332 of genotype.py (I think).


clemaitre commented 3 years ago

Hi Hugo,

Thank you for using SVJedi and for your comment. The conda version is now up to date (version 1.1.5, thank you @llecompte !) and contains this bug fix.

Best regards, Claire