llelectronics / webcat

WebCat is a Webkit based webbrowser for sailfish os
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Testing WC -v2.9.8 on qtwebkit5.212 #56

Closed ghost closed 6 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

Hi llectronics. i am testing WC-v2.9.7 with patched Qtwebkit,. Then i have some report . .

  1. Html5 test: not give result
    1. Maemo talk: still have same issues to show page. 3.Youtube.com: not work,look like it is in blacklist. 4.Facebook.com: login unsuccess 5.Patched Qtwebkit: look only 50% of a screen in sailbook. 6.I feeling crashes when i was browsing .
    2. New tab(2/3/>): not work to go at any webpage.
llelectronics commented 7 years ago

2) the rendering thing I mentioned in my announcement for the last version is bound to the device pixel ratio hack. So Webkit update can't fix this. 3) youtube loads fine here. 4) I changed the default user agent for it. Though please try with one of the other user agents. The website it loads is bound to the user agent you choose. 5) Sailbooks deviceratiohack is not complete they seem to miss the overview experimental setting 6) you experienced crashing? On what pages? Can you reproduce this all the time or is it at random? Is it more crashy then the previous version?

The last point I don't get. I have tried 6 Tabs here on the Jolla c and everything works. However the there is a bug in the suggestionbo not loading the clicked url.

ghost commented 7 years ago
  1. ok
  2. i do not know why for my not load. i will delete cookies ,maybe work.
  3. ok i will try with other user agents.
  4. ok it is fine. sailbook is watching on your obs changes on qtwebkit-patch.
  5. ramdom pages, feeling freeze | a little more crashy then the previous version.(like freeze)
  6. you right on new tab only work in bookmark ,but not typing in url. i cleared.
ghost commented 7 years ago

1..youtube.com is fixed deleting cookies. 2.. think that ulr bug is causing like the browser feel freeze or crash. i wil wait when it is fixed to test again. 3..about facebook.com i only get login success in n9 useragent. but after login the page look out of layout, unusable. n9 useragent after get login captura_20170903_001

ghost commented 7 years ago

-- I have a question if I have to install all (qtwebkit)patched packages to mer-sdk ? to better performance to build WC starting -v2.9.7 or it is same ??


llelectronics commented 7 years ago

Webcat uses qtwebkit runtime based. So you don't need to install it to mersdk. Btw. the bug rearding urlbar suggestions is fixed by this: https://github.com/llelectronics/webcat/commit/96f1f9b5ca8ecd5d6d88198cd9a4a84e057a715e

I also prepared a little video demo on my SailfishOS App Podcast Youtube Playlist. Should be up any minute.

ghost commented 7 years ago

llelectronics you uploaded SailfishOS App Podcast Youtube in 360P?

llelectronics commented 7 years ago

Nope. Youtube apparently still converts in the background.

ghost commented 7 years ago

yes it is now fixed till top 1080p

ghost commented 7 years ago

-- i already saw the podcast video(good demo), it is correct now webcat is much better before, ? i hope so jolla to accept your fix,then come with SFOS 2.1.2

llelectronics commented 7 years ago

I will discuss this on the next community meeting. I guess it will not be able to enter for SailfishOS 2.1.2 but in a later version.

ghost commented 7 years ago

After a heavy use of WC,i do not get any crashes or freezes. With this commit made today, the WC feeling more smooth-fast-stable that before. it still missing some features in WC to better rendering some web page like: http://html5test.com/ http://www.antutu.com/html5/ http://css3test.com/ http://acid3.acidtests.org/

llelectronics commented 7 years ago

Yes I am aware of this. Talked with the qtwebkit devs that told me it is a problem of the sites and can be solved by activating media source extension in the browser. However this option is not exposed to qml yet. I will try patching it and see if I can make it work.

llelectronics commented 7 years ago

Patched it and it works now. Will upload the new source so it will rebuild on merobs. After that see the new git webcat upload I did. https://github.com/llelectronics/lls-qtwebkit/commit/767c27f181f457e727f74ef7c5c4233d61252e85 And yes this option added to webcat will break the git version running on anything older now as this option isn't available on older versions of qtwebkit

ghost commented 7 years ago

Nice! - I'm surprised about all the work you're doing. I am doing an absolute research on the use of the User-Agent on a browser, and how this can impact on a browser depending on the configuration. this to have a idea(solve) why in WC in defauld jolla webkit not work facebook.

ghost commented 7 years ago

So it is already to download the new qtwebkit ? then install it in my phone ?

llelectronics commented 7 years ago

Yes the build finished. You can download the new rpms. edit: You should get around 337 points on html5test.com if everything is ok.

ghost commented 7 years ago





ghost commented 7 years ago

llelectronics HTTPS everywhere(Like) is failing sometime.

llelectronics commented 7 years ago

What do you mean? I know https everywhere but that's a plugin for gecko browsers.

ghost commented 7 years ago

I know that is a plugin for gecko browsers, that's why I wrote "HTTPS everywhere (Like) " . This feature was integrated starting in wc -v2..6 descrip: Updated SearchEngines to use https whenever possible

llelectronics commented 7 years ago

I would not call that the same as https everywhere or like as it is only setting all default search engines to use https instead of http. I am not sure what is failing there and what do you mean by often? Does it mean sometimes your searches don't work? Or are certain engines perhaps out of date?

ghost commented 7 years ago

I got it. wc work nice, it is only that some web page does not redirect to https. example: prensalibre.com Edit: I tested prensalibre.com with firefox 55 it same not https (so forget this inconvenient)

ghost commented 7 years ago

WC 2.9 media-source-extension:unabled with jolla default qtwebkit.


WC 2.9.7 nightly. media-source-extension:enabled


ghost commented 7 years ago


llelectronics commented 7 years ago

Can you give me the console output when doing this please. edit: I see the problem. The function is missing from the API. WIll implement it. Thanks for reporting.

ghost commented 7 years ago

[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ harbour-webcat [D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL [W] unknown:0 - WARNING: This project is using the experimental QML API extensions for QtWebKit and is therefore tied to a specific QtWebKit release. WARNING: The experimental API will change from version to version, or even be removed. You have been warned!

[D] openNewTab:175 - openNewTab: pageU91jh, currentTab: [W] unknown:0 - QObject::connect: No such signal WebKit::QtWebPageEventHandler::pinching(bool) [W] unknown:751 - file:///usr/share/harbour-webcat/qml/pages/FirstPage.qml:751:9: QML HorizontalScrollDecorator: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling. [W] unknown:0 - QQmlExpression: Expression file:///usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Silica/SilicaWebView.qml:143:16 depends on non-NOTIFYable properties: [W] unknown:0 - QQuickWebViewExperimental::transparentBackground [W] unknown:79 - file:///usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Silica/SilicaWebView.qml:79: TypeError: Cannot read property 'orientation' of null [D] onMessageReceived:467 - onMessageReceived: {"type":"iframe","isrc":"/post2.html"} [D] expression for currentIndex:387 - [SettingsPage.qml] mainWindow.coverActiopnGroup:1 [D] expression for currentIndex:252 - [SettingsPage.qml] mainWindow.allowedOrientations:11 [W] unknown:38 - file:///usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Silica/private/Util.js:38: TypeError: Cannot read property 'parent' of null [W] unknown:251 - file:///usr/share/harbour-webcat/qml/pages/SettingsPage.qml:251:31: Unable to assign [undefined] to int [W] unknown:144 - file:///usr/share/harbour-webcat/qml/harbour-webcat.qml:144: TypeError: Property 'deleteAllCookies' of object QQuickWebViewExperimental(0xb7d93f40) is not a function

ghost commented 7 years ago
llelectronics commented 7 years ago

Custom settings works but the word custom is translated that's why it does not save stuff if the setting is not translated. Solution is to use the translated UI then it should work.

llelectronics commented 7 years ago

Fix landed here: https://github.com/llelectronics/lls-qtwebkit/commit/872a30446d0644cf782463be6c53eea58df3584b

Will retrigger a rebuild of the rpms on mer after some testing of gstreamer-gl and if it maybe makes video playback smoother.

ghost commented 7 years ago

sound good thank u. I will check now.

ghost commented 7 years ago

llelectronic you know that the "cursor pointer" does not work properly? it is when i typing on duckduckgo bar.

llelectronics commented 7 years ago

You mean it goes to the start of a word you are typing? That is a known issue when spellcheck is turned on.

ghost commented 7 years ago

yes, will be fixed that?

llelectronics commented 7 years ago

I don't see an option for this to switch it on or off in runtime. I have it on my todo list. Either fixing this or disabling it (during compile time) as there is an alternative input mode now in webcat for input and textareas by longpressing on them which uses a native silica inputbox which should always have spellchecking on.

ghost commented 7 years ago

But this issues does not exist in the old version of wc 2.9. why this new wc "nightly build" exist? i will upload some screenshot.

llelectronics commented 7 years ago

It is an problem within qtwebkit and not webcat.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Ok . You say in the new qtwebkit5212 ?

llelectronics commented 7 years ago

Yes. The old has this feature turned off. Though Jolla wrote a patch to turn it on during runtime. I tried it there also back when they introduced it and it shows the same behavior.

ghost commented 7 years ago

I got it, thnk u .

ghost commented 7 years ago

Also when i open second tab this not come with duckduckgo.com(in my case) configured in settings-about:bookmark only work in first tab? Edit: Will by nice if it is fixed.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Actually wc look like javascript is disabled, this makes the web2.0 be limited. as an example: http://acid3.acidtests.org/.

llelectronics commented 7 years ago

Javascript is enabled. Not sure what the acid test is complaining about. Without javascript almost every website would look broken.

In regards to the open new tab. This is intended behavior. So not a bug I will fix as the workflow is intended.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Ok. It's strange, but the case of "acid3 test" it can be a demonstration that javascript does not work very well. as an example: the suddenly freezes of some pages. Edit: Or maybe D.O.M have some issues.

ghost commented 7 years ago

New tab reply: okay, yes is is nice that second tab come with a setting as configured in the first tab.

llelectronics commented 7 years ago

There is no settings for new tabs. New tabs open empty pages. That is how it should be.

ghost commented 7 years ago


ghost commented 7 years ago

llelectronics I think i already found the issue of acid3 test-failed we need Enable Attributes: " HTML DOM2 Events ", with this allow javascript work sequentially then will fix some issues on web2.0 in this case at http://acid3.acidtests.org/.

ghost commented 7 years ago
ghost commented 7 years ago

HI llelectronics, i am doing several user-agent testing, i getting great progress. but i noticed that some problems are affecting user-agent, " like pixelRatio as an exampl: m.google.com ". I see that mostly mobile devices use PixelRatio 3. to desktop PixelRatio 1 (not sure about this)

ghost commented 7 years ago

Also "Web Pirate" pass all http://html5test.com/ http://www.antutu.com/html5/ http://css3test.com/ http://acid3.acidtests.org/ It might be a good idea to reuse the webpirate JS code and use it in webcat to stabilize webcat. webpirate behaves more stable.