llimllib / limbo

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Add `make test-network` command #133

Closed topher200 closed 3 years ago

topher200 commented 6 years ago

We're adding the make test-network command. It ignores the VCR fixtures by setting an environment variable. The test suite picks up on that var and turns off VCR. Completes #123

The second commit fixes many of the tests that break under make test-network. Fixes most of #131

Commit 3 just updates the fixtures that were breaking under make test. Any that were still passing I left alone.

I'd recommend reviewing the commits independently, but you do whatever you'd like 😛

topher200 commented 6 years ago

I decided the best way to handle make test-network for the "weather" plugin was to disable the network test for that plugin when the user doesn't provide an API key. Adding that commit now.