lljj-x / vue-json-schema-form

基于Vue/Vue3,Json Schema 和 ElementUi/antd/iview3/naiveUi 等生成 HTML Form 表单,用于活动编辑器、h5编辑器、cms等数据配置;支持可视化生成表单Schema 。 Generate a form using Vue/Vue3, Json Schema and ElementUi/antdv/iview3/naiveUi
Apache License 2.0
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Multiple istances of same ui:widget #276

Closed BossHogg97 closed 1 year ago

BossHogg97 commented 1 year ago

Hi, i'm working with vue3 and Naive-UI.

I'm trying to use a component as ui:widget multiple time in the same form. I know that for distinguish the various istances i have to use :key=value. But i don't know how to use it in this case where the component definition is inside schemaUI.

Following an example of schemaUI:

schemaFactoryUI.value = {
  catalogStand: {
     catalogData: {
      "ui:options": {
        onChange({ curVal }) {
          // Do stuff on dropdown change
          loadStandFields(curVal, schemaFactory, factoryData, hand);

            // Set inside pinia Store the currentId
            currentCatalogId.value = curVal

            // The event is received inside ui:widget
    catalogDetails: {
      "ui:widget": shallowRef(catalogDetailsVisualizer)
  bearingRadial: {
     catalogData: {
        'ui:options': {
          onChange({ curVal }) {
           // Do stuff on dropdown change
            loadBearingRadialFields(curVal, factoryData)

            currentCatalogId.value = curVal
    catalogDetails: {
      "ui:widget": shallowRef(catalogDetailsVisualizer)

The "evtGetStandData" event is inside ui:widget and is used for update data. The current problem is that when I emit an event it is received by all instances. I would like to have separate instances.


lljj-x commented 1 year ago

CatalogDetailsVisualizer component add instanceName prop, Use different instancename parameters to distinguish by evtGetStandData emit

Ui Schema:

schemaFactoryUI.value = {
  catalogStand: {
     catalogData: {
      "ui:options": {
        onChange({ curVal }) {
          // Do stuff on dropdown change
          loadStandFields(curVal, schemaFactory, factoryData, hand);

            // Set inside pinia Store the currentId
            currentCatalogId.value = curVal

            // The event is received inside ui:widget
            // ++ Add an instanceName parameter
              instanceName: 'instance2'
    catalogDetails: {
      "ui:widget": shallowRef(catalogDetailsVisualizer),
      "ui:instanceName": 'instance2' //++ CatalogDetailsVisualizer component define instanceName props
  bearingRadial: {
     catalogData: {
        'ui:options': {
          onChange({ curVal }) {
           // Do stuff on dropdown change
            loadBearingRadialFields(curVal, factoryData)

            currentCatalogId.value = curVal
    catalogDetails: {
      "ui:widget": shallowRef(catalogDetailsVisualizer),
      "ui:instanceName": 'instance1'

CatalogDetailsVisualizer component:

  props: ['instanceName', 'anything'],

  evtGetStandDataOnEmit(payload) {
    if(payload?.instanceName === this.instanceName) {
BossHogg97 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the answer and help. Everything is working fine