llllllll-l / TripMDB

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Route all the pages together #16

Open llllllll-l opened 5 months ago

llllllll-l commented 5 months ago

implement route functionality where all routes can be accessed

Use this: to connect all pages, so that there is a central station where users can navigate to all routes/pager for more clarity

Implementing Route Functionality for Centralized Navigation

Description: Utilizing the react-router-dom package, the application will implement route functionality to establish a centralized navigation system. This will allow users to access all pages or routes from a central station, enhancing clarity and ease of navigation: https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-router-dom


Install the react-router-dom package in the project directory using npm. Define the routes for each page or component within the application using BrowserRouter, Route, and Switch components provided by react-router-dom. Create a central navigation component or page, such as a navbar or sidebar, where users can access all available routes. Each route should be associated with a specific path and corresponding component to render when the path matches. Implement routing logic to ensure that users can navigate seamlessly between different pages or components. Test the route functionality thoroughly to ensure proper navigation and rendering of components based on the selected route. Optimize route configuration and navigation structure for clarity and efficiency, ensuring a smooth and intuitive user experience.