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Implement register logic in REACT #24

Closed guro18 closed 5 months ago

guro18 commented 5 months ago

New user registration

When creating a new account, users are required to input their full name, their email twice: once for entry and once for validation. Additionally, users must choose a password. All inputs must meet the following requirements in order to successfully create their account:


The full name has to be longer than 3 letters The email should not already be in use The email should have a valid format e.g temp.tempsson@example.com The passward must contain at least 8 character The password must contain at least one uppercase letter The password must contain at least one numer

Desing: https://whimsical.com/registration-page-Cweq1K3gE1oeC1hw5cTJYv

Create profile

After a successfull registration, the new user is navigated back to the log in screen and can now enter their account information