llllllll-l / TripMDB

A fun way for movie nerds to find their next trip
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Design and implement a homepage #28

Closed llllllll-l closed 5 months ago

llllllll-l commented 5 months ago



Homepage - user view Movie Feed When a user has logged in, they should be directly redirected to the homepage which will display:

The nav bar

The navbar should be displayed as its own UI card in the side of the application with:

Profile avatar with users initials Homepage navigation Users trips navigation Users comments navigation Log out (Sign out)

A Search bar A list of all the movies

Each movie should be displayed as its own UI card with:

The Title of the movie The Description of the movie An image of the movies cover A button that will navigate to the details view of given movie

Design: https://whimsical.com/homepage-Eipf37q6PTufyyxAe1goLH