lllyasviel / ControlNet-v1-1-nightly

Nightly release of ControlNet 1.1
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[Request] Please enable/restore PNG info "send to" functionality ASAP #109

Open JS1989git opened 10 months ago

JS1989git commented 10 months ago

Like the title says - Can we please get support for controlnet to receive and apply PNG info?

Apparently this used to exist and no longer does and I'm not sure why or the reasoning as to why it has not been (re)implemented. But, please, make this a thing. This would save so many people so much time and headache if they didn't have to manually input controlnet parameters to get back to a project or control state... I can stomach having to manage images/masks, but the actual variables should be able to transfer like the prompts and it just breaks my brain that it doesn't...