lllyasviel / ControlNet-v1-1-nightly

Nightly release of ControlNet 1.1
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ControlNet Tile is missing the files `fp16.bin` `fp16.safetensors` and `safetensors` #121

Closed geroldmeisinger closed 9 months ago

geroldmeisinger commented 9 months ago

(as mentioned in https://github.com/lllyasviel/ControlNet/issues/534)

https://huggingface.co/lllyasviel/control_v11u_sd15_tile/tree/main is missing the files: fp16.bin fp16.safetensors and safetensors all other ControlNets follow this structure:


btw https://huggingface.co/lllyasviel/control_v11p_sd15_lineart/tree/main is missing the SD.png

I am aware that other community members have provided these models by now: https://huggingface.co/ckpt/ControlNet-v1-1 https://civitai.com/models/38784/controlnet-11-models https://huggingface.co/comfyanonymous/ControlNet-v1-1_fp16_safetensors/tree/main

lllyasviel commented 9 months ago

hey @geroldmeisinger I am happy to handle the issue, but in my github log, you created a large number of issues/responses/taggers.

We will be happier to help if you can be more specific and stop creating spamming posts: image (this is only a part, the full log is 10x longer)

Note that this may be related to Github TOS.

geroldmeisinger commented 9 months ago

I'm sorry, I was trying to be helpful. I spent the last two weeks gathering everything about controlnet training and answering issues where I think I have something to contribute and people are looking for answers. cross-linking information, links and papers were appropriate. Some issue could be closed anyway (marked as duplicate etc.).

geroldmeisinger commented 9 months ago

concerning "Github TOS" you a probably refering to my article on civitai. I just want to say, 'm genuinely interested in this topic, trying to collect every possible information and provide help. I don't gain anything by this. If you want me to change anything, I'm happy to cooperate. Although I considered all my posts on-topic and helpful, not spammy :)

lllyasviel commented 9 months ago

i meant github spamming TOS, I do not know other things

and thanks you for the understanding and attention in controlnets