lllyasviel / ControlNet-v1-1-nightly

Nightly release of ControlNet 1.1
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had a problem replicating the controlnet tile #83

Open crj1998 opened 1 year ago

crj1998 commented 1 year ago

the output of controlnet tile is awasome, and i want to train a tile for custom dataset. However, the resultis strange. my training setup: use the train_controlnet.py script from diffusers.

for the high-resolution image with shape (width, height), we downsample hr img to (width//k, height//k), where k is random sample from {2, 4, 8}, then upsample to (width, height) as controlnet input. and hr img as sd input. I train cn with lr 1e-5 for 20k update steps.

however, the result seems bad, especially in the x4 x8 case, the output appears as a grid. Can you point out where my training Settings are wrong?

x2 upsample step200000_dog thumb2

x4 upsample step200000_dog thumb4

x8 upsample step200000_dog thumb8