lllyasviel / ControlNet

Let us control diffusion models!
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How many epochs the ControlNet have? #592

Open KhawlahB opened 7 months ago

KhawlahB commented 7 months ago

Hello, i am wondering how many epochs does the controlnet have for training? is it 4000? i tried to find where they defined it but i could not reach to it. Please let me know if anyone has an idea where they defined the n_epochs in their code.... I am looking to reduce them and see the results.

Thanks in advance...

@scarbain @williamyang1991 @lllyasviel @eltociear

geroldmeisinger commented 7 months ago

see https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content/ICCV2023/html/Zhang_Adding_Conditional_Control_to_Text-to-Image_Diffusion_Models_ICCV_2023_paper.html -> [supp] . i didn't find any infos on epochs for the official controlnet though. but as it is rather simple to generate the control images from many many samples, I believe the epoch number is very low, probably <20. for comparison you can find a wandb report for the first sdxl controlnet models from SargeZT at https://wandb.ai/patrick-e-shanahan/sd_xl_train_controlnet which used 6 epochs. I trained all my CNs on 1 epoch.

sayeh1994 commented 6 months ago

I think based on official pytorch lightning documentation and this issue on their github https://github.com/Lightning-AI/pytorch-lightning/issues/1627 , the default number of the epoch is 1000 unless specified by "max_epochs ". However, I haven't trained it yet.

coderpracticer commented 3 months ago

Hi,i have a question about epoch and step. I train on my own dataset,get the model named epoch=154-step=20770.ckpt.is it has too many epoch? when 'sudden converge' happens, 3K to 7K is for step not for epoch?

geroldmeisinger commented 3 months ago

see here https://github.com/lllyasviel/ControlNet/discussions/318#discussioncomment-7176692