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[Bug] LLM halucinates and repeats same sequence nonstop #32

Open huchenlei opened 3 months ago

huchenlei commented 3 months ago

All settings are default. Chat with Hatsune Miku lying on the beach with a guitar as prompt.

LLM output:

# Initialize the canvas
canvas = Canvas()

# Set a global description for the canvas
    description='Hatsune Miku lying on the beach with a guitar',
        'Hatsune Miku is depicted lying on a beautiful beach, enjoying the serene atmosphere while playing a guitar.',
        'The beach is sandy with gentle waves lapping at the shore.',
        'The sky is clear with a few fluffy clouds, and the sun is shining brightly.',
        'Hatsune Miku is dressed in her iconic turquoise twintail outfit, with her hair flowing freely.',
        'She is relaxed, with one hand behind her head and the other arm resting on the sand while holding a guitar.',
        'The ocean in the background is a stunning shade of blue, and the horizon is visible.',
        'There are a few seashells scattered around her.',
        'The overall scene is peaceful and idyllic, capturing a perfect moment of relaxation, joy, and creativity.',
    tags='Hatsune Miku, beach, turquoise twintail outfit, serene, ocean, sandy shore, clear sky, fluffy clouds, sun, relaxed, seashells, peaceful, idyllic, horizon, waves, seashells, blue ocean, joy, relaxation, sandy beach, flowing hair, iconic outfit, guitar, music, creativity, playing guitar',

# Add hatsune miku lying on the beach with a guitar
    location='in the center',
    offset='no offset',
    area='a medium-sized square area',
    description='Hatsune Miku lying on the beach with a guitar',
        'Hatsune Miku is lying on the beach, dressed in her iconic turquoise twintail outfit.',
        'Her hair flows freely in the breeze, and she appears relaxed, with one hand behind her head and the other arm resting on the sand while holding a guitar.',
        'She is surrounded by a few scattered seashells, and her presence adds a touch of whimsy and charm to the serene beach scene.',
    tags='Hatsune Miku, turquoise twintail outfit, relaxed, seashells, flowing hair, beach, whimsical, charming, serene, iconic, sand, breeze, hair, whimsical, charming, serene, iconic, sand, breeze, hair, whimsical, charming, serene, iconic, sand, breeze, hair, whimsical, charming, serene, iconic, sand, breeze, hair, whimsical, charming, serene, iconic, sand, breeze, hair, whimsical, charming, serene, iconic, sand, breeze, hair, whimsical, charming, serene, iconic, sand, breeze, hair, whimsical, charming, serene, iconic, sand, breeze, hair, whimsical, charming, serene, iconic, sand, breeze, hair, whimsical, charming, serene, iconic, sand, breeze, hair, whimsical, charming, serene, iconic, sand, breeze, hair, whimsical, charming, serene, iconic, sand, breeze, hair, whimsical, charming, serene, iconic, sand, breeze, hair, whimsical, charming, serene, iconic, sand, breeze, hair, whimsical, charming, serene, iconic, sand, breeze, hair, whimsical, charming, serene, iconic, sand, breeze, hair, whimsical, charming, serene, iconic, sand, breeze, hair, whimsical, charming, serene, iconic, sand, breeze, hair, whimsical, charming, serene, iconic, sand, breeze, hair, whimsical, charming, serene, iconic, sand, breeze, hair, whimsical, charming, serene, iconic, sand, breeze, hair, whimsical, charming, serene, iconic, sand

You can observe that whimsical, charming, serene, iconic, sand, breeze, hair, sequence clearly repeats nonstop.

asitjain commented 3 months ago

Same here.

xiaolxl111 commented 3 months ago

I have also encountered it. But when I tried a version that didn't use 4 bits, I never encountered it again