lllyasviel / Omost

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Apache License 2.0
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Is this project related to other installations, or it should be installed as a standalone? #49

Open GithubStable opened 3 weeks ago

GithubStable commented 3 weeks ago

Hello I saw the showcase, it shows a UI with some things about prompts being modified I suppose I would like to know if:

In that case, isn't it better to connect it to forge? I am confused.

ginto-sakata commented 3 weeks ago
  • I need to install LLMs from other UIs/programs?

it's a standalone application, it will download both llm and sd checkpoints automatically

GithubStable commented 3 weeks ago

I was finally able to isntlal it, yes I Notice that, but why did he release that as part of forge or other UIs? Also, how fast or slow it is for you? I made a post in the "Discussion" section, for me its like Half to 1 sec every line, (and each promt is like 40+ lines) so thats slow. Is it the same for youall?