lllyasviel / Omost

Your image is almost there!
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There is no image generation button on the left side, how to solve this ah, have you ever encountered! #65

Open xxwx1574711709 opened 3 weeks ago

xxwx1574711709 commented 3 weeks ago

After the text description on the right is finished, the image generation button is not found on the left, how to solve this, 30 series graphics cards and 20 series graphics cards have tried, after the right generation, there is no image generation button on the left.

Duemellon commented 3 weeks ago

The problem I had was that my conda environment wasn't set up properly. No Conda? No render button. But the rest "worked" so I was confused. I updated my Conda & CUDA and it worked. 16gb RAM + 3070 16gb vRam

fyepi commented 3 weeks ago

I had the problem with firefox. I switched to chrome and the button showed up.