lllyasviel / Omost

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I have three questions around this web interface I would like to consult #86

Open Llin1028 opened 2 weeks ago

Llin1028 commented 2 weeks ago

Hello, I have three questions around this web interface I would like to consult:

the first is, after OMOST is opened, it is a white interface, I want to know how to modify my web interface style, that is, the theme, I want to change it to a black and gray style.

The second is that the LLAMA prompt is too rich, I don't want to show so much, is it possible to fold or put so much content in the background?

The third is that the generated image does not have a background light or a rim light, I want each image to have a rim light and a background light, how do I adjust the .py file? Thank you so much.

xhoxye commented 2 weeks ago



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