lllyasviel / Paints-UNDO

Understand Human Behavior to Align True Needs
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What's the actual use-case scenario of this? #33

Closed ZILtoid1991 closed 1 month ago

ZILtoid1991 commented 1 month ago

It seems like the only usecase is scamming people for the sake of driving out artists from the industry.

However, if I'm mistaken, then let me know. Maybe I'm just wrong, and this will be the tool that finally makes generative AI a real tool for creating art.

Also the supposed point of AI image generation was to eliminate the artists from the process of making art. If I really wanted to employ an idea guy to type their ideas into the prompt instead of me, then I already have one friend like that, who has dumb videogame ideas like "GTA, but set in Budapest, and has VR support", "hack some popular FPS to have VR support, then sell it to the original publisher", and other stuff like that.

Amorano commented 1 month ago

It seems like the only usecase is scamming people for the sake of driving out artists from the industry.

However, if I'm mistaken, then let me know. Maybe I'm just wrong, and this will be the tool that finally makes generative AI a real tool for creating art.

Also the supposed point of AI image generation was to eliminate the artists from the process of making art. If I really wanted to employ an idea guy to type their ideas into the prompt instead of me, then I already have one friend like that, who has dumb videogame ideas like "GTA, but set in Budapest, and has VR support", "hack some popular FPS to have VR support, then sell it to the original publisher", and other stuff like that.

Now do a pencil, copy machine or printing press.

Stop being Luddites sitting behind your hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in tech, spouting junk about "this is not art" or what it means to be an artist.

These are all tools -- use them, or do not. Stop attempting to bring some weird "logic" about who can decide what is a tool and is not and what is art or is not.

This is for actual issues -- not your personal or political ones.

woct0rdho commented 1 month ago

It's funny to see some art bros keep saying 'humans are creative', but can't think of a single use case of this project

The discussions were closed but I keep my words here

woct0rdho commented 1 month ago

That means you didn't think of a use case that is not dismantled

ARessegetesStery commented 1 month ago

@woct0rdho Oh I come up with one.

Generate a random image, claim it as one's own work, and use this to synthesize the creation process. Then you can post it on websites! You become an "artist"! You get views and can make a living with it! Beautiful as it is!

So am I creative? 😆

Well maybe not that creative. I can only think of this one. Could you please suggest another, to kindly share with us your creativity?

woct0rdho commented 1 month ago

I don't argue if its use cases are legimate, productive, and valuable or not. I don't stop at thinking of a use case.

I just use it, in production

ZILtoid1991 commented 1 month ago

Someone's getting a little emotional to opposing views! Luddites, seriously? Most of the people speaking out about this here are also in tech and probably have used AI in one way or another - this tool is pretty valid to question. Not to mention, the constant deletion of discussions here shows that there's validity in questioning why there are people who disagree with you. I think you've built an echo chamber around yourself buddy.

In fact, I use Neural Amp Modeler as my amp and pedal simulator for my electric guitar. I even was thinking about using some "hardwired" neural network in some game I've planned for the future.

Amorano commented 1 month ago

It seems like the only usecase is scamming people for the sake of driving out artists from the industry. However, if I'm mistaken, then let me know. Maybe I'm just wrong, and this will be the tool that finally makes generative AI a real tool for creating art. Also the supposed point of AI image generation was to eliminate the artists from the process of making art. If I really wanted to employ an idea guy to type their ideas into the prompt instead of me, then I already have one friend like that, who has dumb videogame ideas like "GTA, but set in Budapest, and has VR support", "hack some popular FPS to have VR support, then sell it to the original publisher", and other stuff like that.

Now do a pencil, copy machine or printing press. Stop being Luddites sitting behind your hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in tech, spouting junk about "this is not art" or what it means to be an artist. These are all tools -- use them, or do not. Stop attempting to bring some weird "logic" about who can decide what is a tool and is not and what is art or is not. This is for actual issues -- not your personal or political ones.

Someone's getting a little emotional to opposing views! Luddites, seriously? Most of the people speaking out about this here are also in tech and probably have used AI in one way or another - this tool is pretty valid to question. Not to mention, the constant deletion of discussions here shows that there's validity in questioning why there are people who disagree with you. I think you've built an echo chamber around yourself buddy.

lol. Sure thing, bud.

Keep crying about not being able to spout 100% garbage that has nothing to do with the actual technical workings of the repository -- thinking that whatever you say, wherever you say it, needs to be addressed in the first place.

You are a bunch of sad "artists" who cant do much more than complain. All this time you could have shown everyone your "better" way instead of attempting to removing any usefulness to others you cant of which you cant seem to perceive the value.

That is a you problem.

Amorano commented 1 month ago

It seems like the only usecase is scamming people for the sake of driving out artists from the industry. However, if I'm mistaken, then let me know. Maybe I'm just wrong, and this will be the tool that finally makes generative AI a real tool for creating art. Also the supposed point of AI image generation was to eliminate the artists from the process of making art. If I really wanted to employ an idea guy to type their ideas into the prompt instead of me, then I already have one friend like that, who has dumb videogame ideas like "GTA, but set in Budapest, and has VR support", "hack some popular FPS to have VR support, then sell it to the original publisher", and other stuff like that.

Now do a pencil, copy machine or printing press. Stop being Luddites sitting behind your hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in tech, spouting junk about "this is not art" or what it means to be an artist. These are all tools -- use them, or do not. Stop attempting to bring some weird "logic" about who can decide what is a tool and is not and what is art or is not. This is for actual issues -- not your personal or political ones.

Someone's getting a little emotional to opposing views! Luddites, seriously? Most of the people speaking out about this here are also in tech and probably have used AI in one way or another - this tool is pretty valid to question. Not to mention, the constant deletion of discussions here shows that there's validity in questioning why there are people who disagree with you. I think you've built an echo chamber around yourself buddy.

lol. Sure thing, bud. Keep crying about not being able to spout 100% garbage that has nothing to do with the actual technical workings of the repository -- thinking that whatever you say, wherever you say it, needs to be addressed in the first place. You are a bunch of sad "artists" who cant do much more than complain. All this time you could have shown everyone your "better" way instead of attempting to removing any usefulness to others you cant of which you cant seem to perceive the value. That is a you problem.

Yap yap yap, you're going to put me to sleep having no actual reasoning and benefits to this, I'm getting a bit tuckered out hearing you guys stomp your little feet as if you're doing something profound. Ohhh I'm so talented writing little prompts into a textbox like a child, pfft. Do you also write your code using chatgpt?

And what are you doing, loser? Flapping your jaw about nothing.

Want actual change? Go do something to actually change it instead of attempting to play hero on nothing that matters.

or as you said, keep up your stupid, vapid yapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyap

I have been an artist at studios for over 20 years. You are a jerk off posting vapid junk.

Prompt that.

Amorano commented 1 month ago

You don't know my life or what I have contributed but when it comes to making valid points you just resort to bragging. I also just don't get why as an artist you'd self sabotage yourself, but you do you if you want you work to be replaced by lazy bastards, I guess? Have fun? Again, a little embarrassing, especially if you're an adult with this much experience.

Who cares? cry harder.

Do something other than whatever you think you are not accomplishing here.

You are not proud of your life and accomplishments, sounds like you have more than a single personal issue you should resolve before attempting to tell other's how they should exist and what value things are worth, according to whatever weird perception you have about the world and how it exists.

Amorano commented 1 month ago

See this is why you AI bros make no sense to me - I've never once made any brash assumptions over you besides the conversations we've had here, yet you're pouncing on me making baseless claims about my securities and immediately defending the usage of this tool with what? No solid and ethical usages, just your work and experience as if it makes you an expert.



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