Closed LilithDragoness closed 1 month ago
There's an option in the settings for this: search for Inpaint, you can disable the high-contrast brush and pick whatever colour for masking.
Thank you. It worked.
The text might need an adjustment, as it didn’t require 'Reload UI' but rather 'Restart UI.'
Для этого в настройках есть опция: найдите Inpaint, там можно отключить высококонтрастную кисть и выбрать любой цвет для маскировки.
Is it possible to make the mask transparent, or is there no such option?
Fooocus was the first SD UI I ever used, and Forge is the second. I love it more and more. Thank you for that.
One thing I miss from Fooocus is that the masked area is white, which makes it much easier to spot when I miss a small area while masking. It happens every now and then. The white and gray checkered area makes it much harder to notice.
Please change that if it's convenient.