I'm running flux in google colab, something using the original fp16 base model and sometimes others either fp variation or different tuning, either way though, everytime i go to generate an image now, I'm getting the horrendous, blurry, unrecognizable, blob conglomerates of pixels, no matter the; gpu type T4/L4/A100/TPU, sampling method, scheduler, model type, resolution, steps, or prompt, always the same thing... can anyone help or describe how i may be able to help someone help me? Anything is much appreciated, thank you.
I'm running flux in google colab, something using the original fp16 base model and sometimes others either fp variation or different tuning, either way though, everytime i go to generate an image now, I'm getting the horrendous, blurry, unrecognizable, blob conglomerates of pixels, no matter the; gpu type T4/L4/A100/TPU, sampling method, scheduler, model type, resolution, steps, or prompt, always the same thing... can anyone help or describe how i may be able to help someone help me? Anything is much appreciated, thank you.