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Potential Security Issue: MIME Type Spoofing in File Upload Handling #977

Open richrobber2 opened 1 month ago

richrobber2 commented 1 month ago



I’ve noticed a potential security vulnerability in the handling of image uploads within the ForgeCanvas component, specifically regarding the LogicalImage class. The issue concerns the validation of image files that are uploaded or processed by the component.


The current implementation of the LogicalImage class seems to only check the base64 prefix to determine if a file is a valid PNG image:

if not payload.startswith("data:image/png;base64,"):
    return None

This approach may be inadequate as it only verifies the MIME type based on the base64 string but does not fully validate the actual content of the image. A malicious user could potentially craft a base64 string that passes this check but contains non-image content, leading to potential security risks such as:

  1. MIME Type Spoofing: An attacker could craft a base64 string that mimics the structure of a valid PNG image but contains malicious content.
  2. Oversized or Corrupted Images: Without proper validation of image dimensions or file size, the component might be vulnerable to denial-of-service (DoS) attacks if an oversized or corrupted image is uploaded.

Proposed Solutions

To mitigate these risks, I suggest the following improvements:

  1. Content Verification: Beyond checking the base64 prefix, decode the image and verify its integrity before processing it. For example:

       image_data = base64.b64decode(payload.split(",")[1])
       # File size check (e.g., user-defined limit)
       max_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024  # Default to 5 MB, but should be configurable
       if len(image_data) > max_size:
           return None
       # Open and verify image
       image = Image.open(BytesIO(image_data))
       image.verify()  # Verify image integrity
    except Exception as e:
       return None  # Reject the file if verification fails
  2. File Size and Dimension Validation: Implement checks to ensure the file is not excessively large and has reasonable dimensions before processing. It would be beneficial to make the maximum file size limit user-configurable to accommodate different use cases and requirements.

  3. Enhanced Error Handling: Implement robust error handling to manage exceptions that may arise during file processing, ensuring that the application can gracefully handle invalid files.


Addressing these concerns would enhance the security and robustness of the ForgeCanvas component, reducing the risk of potential exploits related to image processing.

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mr-lab commented 1 month ago

thank you i been using base64 verify for so many scripts that have fast api open to net , never noticed this , really thank you