"Data from rendering engine. We use non-photorealistic rendering (NPR) techniques to obtain line art and shadow
pairs. To be specific, we search the key word “free” in Unity 3D Assets Store and download 471 random 3D prefabs. We
import them to the rendering engine Blender [13] and write a NPR script to generate 25,413 line art and shadow pairs at
random shadow directions (Fig. 4-(b))."
"Data from rendering engine. We use non-photorealistic rendering (NPR) techniques to obtain line art and shadow pairs. To be specific, we search the key word “free” in Unity 3D Assets Store and download 471 random 3D prefabs. We import them to the rendering engine Blender [13] and write a NPR script to generate 25,413 line art and shadow pairs at random shadow directions (Fig. 4-(b))." 想使用一下文中提到的这个数据集。