lloc / Multisite-Language-Switcher

WordPress Plugin: Multisite Language Switcher
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Readme needs updates #254

Open Zodiac1978 opened 9 months ago

Zodiac1978 commented 9 months ago

I think this plugin is not necessary anymore: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-mu-domain-mapping/ (If you want to still link it, it can be shortened to https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-mu-domain-mapping/)

~~Codex articles have moved: https://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network to https://wordpress.org/documentation/article/create-a-network/~~

http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_in_Your_Language redirects to https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/teams/ Not sure if this is the article you want ...

https://github.com/danieledesantis/jquery-language-detection is 9 years without updates https://github.com/oncleben31/Multisite-Language-Switcher-Theme is archived/read-only since 2020.

Redirecting is a bad idea, as Google is following these redirects which could impact your indexing very badly: https://wpml.org/documentation/getting-started-guide/language-setup/automatic-redirect-based-on-browser-language/how-browser-language-redirect-affects-google-indexing/

Unfortunately Network Shared Media is closed.

Maybe these two could be helpful: https://github.com/bueltge/multisite-global-media/ https://github.com/humanmade/network-media-library

lloc commented 9 months ago

Would you like to make the changes in the readme-file via a PR?

Zodiac1978 commented 9 months ago

Yes, I'm happily providing the PR. We just need some decisions with which plugin recommendation you want to go in some cases.

Or we need to research the correct website ... I'll start with those things that are clear.

Zodiac1978 commented 9 months ago

http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_in_Your_Language redirects to https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/teams/ Not sure if this is the article you want ...

Maybe this could be a better choice? Or is the Team overview page the place you want to link? https://developer.wordpress.org/advanced-administration/before-install/in-your-language/

lloc commented 9 months ago

I must admit that I never really reviewed the readme.txt (just the necessary version dump whenever a new version came up). Your choice seems much better indeed…

patriciabt commented 4 months ago

working on it with @lloc, thanks a lot @Zodiac1978

patriciabt commented 4 months ago

@Zodiac1978 and @lloc

Maybe these two could be helpful: https://github.com/bueltge/multisite-global-media/ https://github.com/humanmade/network-media-library

those are also outdated now, right?

Zodiac1978 commented 4 months ago

Yes, both are looking abandoned. :(

lloc commented 4 months ago

I'm fine with any suggestion/PR from your side @Zodiac1978 and @patriciabt.

Some considerations:

WordPress MU domain mapping

I know some sites that still use the domain mapping plugin. I don't use it because I map secondary domains in Cloudflare. We can probably remove the part regarding any redirection.


I do that on some sites without penalty, but it may be out-of-scope for the Mutliste Language Switcher.

Shared media

It's a pity but there might not be so many requests. So this is might be also out-of-scope for the plugin and could be therefore removed.