lloesche / valheim-server-docker

Valheim dedicated gameserver with automatic update, World backup, BepInEx and ValheimPlus mod support
Apache License 2.0
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Valheim Plus Single Section Load Issue #678

Open nvaliullin opened 2 months ago

nvaliullin commented 2 months ago

I'm running into an issue where one section specifically is not loading even though it's explicitly specified in the container config env variables.


Results in

[Player] Section is NOT enabled.

in the logs when starting the container. All the other sections load normally. I'm running the latest version ( of the mod from Grantapher's repo. Any ideas?

lloesche commented 1 month ago

Can you check what the actual config looks like? If I test this manually all seems fine:

~$ export VPCFG_Player_enabled=true
~$ export VPCFG_Player_deathPenaltyMultiplier=-65
~$ env2cfg --config $PWD/test.cfg --env-prefix VPCFG_
INFO - Writing mod config /home/lukas/repo/valheim-server-docker/env2cfg/test.cfg.tmp
INFO - Moving new config /home/lukas/repo/valheim-server-docker/env2cfg/test.cfg.tmp -> /home/lukas/repo/valheim-server-docker/env2cfg/test.cfg
~$ cat test.cfg
nvaliullin commented 1 month ago

I'm not 100% sure that I can actually check what the config looks like since I'm running through the Synology's native container manager. I was having some issues running through docker-compose so I had to move.

Most I can provide is this I think: image

I'm apparently able to export a container from their tool as well which results in a JSON file, if that's helpful at all:

"env_variables" : [ { "key" : "PATH", "value" : "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" }, { "key" : "DEBIAN_FRONTEND", "value" : "noninteractive" }, { "key" : "SERVER_PASS", "value" : "[REDACTED]" }, { "key" : "WORLD_NAME", "value" : "[REDACTED]" }, { "key" : "SERVER_NAME", "value" : "[REDACTED]" }, { "key" : "PUBLIC_TEST", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "SERVER_ARGS", "value" : "-crossplay" }, { "key" : "VALHEIM_PLUS", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "VALHEIM_PLUS_REPO", "value" : "Grantapher/ValheimPlus" }, { "key" : "VALHEIM_PLUS_RELEASE", "value" : "tags/" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Building_enabled", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Building_noWeatherDamage", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Building_noInvalidPlacementRestriction", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Building_pieceComfortRadius", "value" : "16" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Building_alwaysDropResources", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Building_enableAreaRepair", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Building_areaRepairRadius", "value" : "10" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Fermenter_enabled", "value" : "false" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Fermenter_showDuration", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Smelter_enabled", "value" : "false" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Smelter_maximumOre", "value" : "25" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Smelter_maximumCoal", "value" : "50" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Furnace_enabled", "value" : "false" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Furnace_maximumOre", "value" : "25" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Furnace_maximumCoal", "value" : "50" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Hotkeys_enabled", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Items_enabled", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Items_itemsFloatInWater", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Hud_enabled", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Hud_showRequiredItems", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_HudexperienceGainedNotifications", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Hud_removeDamageFlash", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Hud_displayBowAmmoCounts", "value" : "1" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Map_enabled", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Map_shareMapProgression", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Map_shareAllPins", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Map_displayCartsAndBoats", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Player_enable", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Player_deathPenaltyMultiplier", "value" : "-65" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Inventory_enabled", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_Inventory_woodChestRows", "value" : "4" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_GridAlignment_enabled", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_CraftFromChest_enabled", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_CraftFromChest_disableCookingStation", "value" : "true" }, { "key" : "VPCFG_CraftFromChest_allowCraftingFromCarts", "value" : "true" }
lloesche commented 1 month ago

There's going to be a file /config/valheimplus/valheim_plus.cfg inside of your Docker container. It will be volume mounted to one of your shares. You can open it in a text editor to check its contents.

nvaliullin commented 1 month ago

PFA. Seems to not reflect the relevant container changes. Which explains why they are not loaded.

[Player] ; Change false to true to enable this section. enabled = false ; The base amount of carry weight of your character. baseMaximumWeight = 300 ; Increase the buff you receive to your carry weight from Megingjord's girdle. baseMegingjordBuff = 150 ; Increase auto pickup range of all items. baseAutoPickUpRange = 2 ; Disable all types of camera shake. disableCameraShake = false ; The base unarmed damage multiplied by your skill level. 120 will result in a maximum of up to 12 damage when you have a skill level of 10. baseUnarmedDamage = 70 ; When changed to true, you will not be permitted to place a crop within the grow radius of another crop. cropNotifier = false ; How many seconds each comfort level contributes to the rested bonus. restSecondsPerComfortLevel = 60 ; Change the death penalty in percentage, where higher will increase the death penalty and lower will reduce it. ; This is a modifier value. 50 will increase it by 50%, -50 will reduce it by 50%. deathPenaltyMultiplier = 0 ; If set to true, this option will automatically repair your equipment when you interact with the appropriate workbench. autoRepair = false ; Boss buff duration (seconds) guardianBuffDuration = 300 ; Boss buff cooldown (seconds) guardianBuffCooldown = 1200 ; Disable the Guardian Buff animation disableGuardianBuffAnimation = false ; If set to true, when equipping a one-handed weapon, the best shield from your inventory is automatically equipped. ; (Best is determined by highest block power) autoEquipShield = false ; When unequipping a one-handed weapon also unequip shield from inventory. autoUnequipShield = false ; If set to true, weapon switches requested mid-attack will be carried out when the current attack is finished instead of being ignored. queueWeaponChanges = false ; If set to true, you will always skip the intro of the game. skipIntro = false