lloiser / go-debug

🐛 A go debugger for atom using delve.
MIT License
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Simply not working on my OSX #3

Closed jeromelaurens closed 8 years ago

jeromelaurens commented 8 years ago

Hi, probably great job, but I cannot figure how to make it work.

When I have a go file opened, I see the Test, Debug footer. But when clicking on Test or Debug nothing happens.

Delve is correctly installed and working with other IDE such as Visual Studio Code. Same behavior on delve 0.10.0-alpha and 1.11.0-alpha

Can you help me ? What I'm doing wrong ? Jerome

lloiser commented 8 years ago

Open atom in dev mode atom --dev and open the dev tools Cmd+Opt+I and the press test or debug. You should now see way more info on what's happening in the background. What's happening? I should show these logs somewhere more obvious and reachable...

RossRothenstine commented 8 years ago

I had the issue of the binary not being found. Solved it by putting the abs path in the plugin config.

So far, the debugger works exactly as described.

lloiser commented 8 years ago

awesome :+1:

jeromelaurens commented 8 years ago

Reopen please, still not working. I already had set the absolute path.

I have a different behavior when using atom --dev Seems to be working (dlv laucnhed) but still unable to set breakpoint.

With classic atom, no change : clicking on Test or Debug has no effect

But now found something : if Atom launched from command line (with or without --dev) seems to launch dlv but still unable to set breakpoint or inspect variable. Clicking (or dbl click, or right click) on the row number has no efffect.

lloiser commented 8 years ago

do not click the row number itself but there should be a little whitespace next to: screen shot 2016-02-24 at 10 18 08

lloiser commented 8 years ago

an empty circle is visible if either delve has not started yet, or if started the line cannot be used as a breakpoint. (again it will show some info about this in the dev tools)

jeromelaurens commented 8 years ago

Thanks for feedback : much better now !

Still 2 points :

  1. How to stop the current debugging ?
  2. how to make it work without having to launch from command line ?
lloiser commented 8 years ago
  1. not implemented yet (thx for feedback!)
  2. I don't understand your problem... how do you use atom otherwise? do you use a dock icon to start atom and it then doesn't work? maybe you are missing the GOPATH environment variable from wherever you start atom
jeromelaurens commented 8 years ago
  1. yes seems important especially when debugging a server, you need a way to stop it
  2. yes the problem may be the missing GOPATH when launching from icon start, or spotlight search But is the gopath not provided by goplus package ? In my goplus package settings, the gopath is absolute and go install is also set. So they are not used in go-debug ?
lloiser commented 8 years ago

no, I do not depend on go-plus. maybe I can reuse these variables... maybe I have to add those variables to this package too (just in case you don't use go-plus)...

jeromelaurens commented 8 years ago

may be you can depend on go plus. I 'm willing to bet that all dev that have go-debug installed also have go-plus installed

dwlnetnl commented 8 years ago

It still doesn't work for me. I've just updated Atom and all packages.

lloiser commented 8 years ago

Have you tried the dev mode as mentioned above? Is dlv in your path/env available? Have you set the gopath?

dwlnetnl commented 8 years ago

I had a ~ in my GOPATH, that was the culprit. But I still works only in dev-mode.