llondon6 / nrutils_dev

Python API for low-level analysis of NR data: Psi4, strain, modeling, lal+pycbc interface when appropriate
MIT License
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scbuild failing for me - any ideas? #15

Closed Cyberface closed 8 years ago

Cyberface commented 8 years ago

I'm just trying to get my setup ready to do some work on the train tomorrow. I am up to date with the current master but when I try to build a catalogue it fails :(

(overwatch) SebastiansMBP2:nrutils_dev sebastian$ ipython
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IPython 5.1.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
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In [1]: from nrutils.core.nrsc import *
The highest level init for nrutils is located at: /Users/sebastian/git/nrutils_dev/nrutils/__init__.pyc

>> Initiating nrutils ...

>> Sub-Packages to be imported:
   -> core
   -> manipulate
   -> tools
>> Please note style conventions:
   * lower case function/method/variable names
   * no underscore in names unless there are repeated letters, or counfounded syllables
   * information is implicitely in time domain unless explicitely stated.
   * frequency domain information will start with "fd".



In [2]: scbuild()
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-10b07758f881> in <module>()
----> 1 scbuild()

/Users/sebastian/git/nrutils_dev/nrutils/core/nrsc.pyc in scbuild(save)
    308     # Create config objects from list of config files
--> 309     configs = [ scconfig( config_path ) for config_path in cpath_list ]
    311     # For earch config

/Users/sebastian/git/nrutils_dev/nrutils/core/nrsc.pyc in __init__(this, config_file_location)
     27         # call wrapper for constructor
     28         this.config_file_location = config_file_location
---> 29         this.reconfig()
     31     # The actual constructor: this will be called within utility functions so that scentry objects are configured with local settings.

/Users/sebastian/git/nrutils_dev/nrutils/core/nrsc.pyc in reconfig(this)
     42         # validate the information learned from the configuration file against minimal standards
---> 43         this.valid = this.validate()
     45         # In some cases, it is useful to have this function return this

/Users/sebastian/git/nrutils_dev/nrutils/core/nrsc.pyc in validate(this)
    108             if 'dir' in attr:
    109                 if this.__dict__[attr][-1] != '/':
--> 110                     this.__dict__[attr][-1] += '/'
    111         # Make sure that user symbols (~) are expanded
    112         for attr in this.__dict__:

TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
Cyberface commented 8 years ago

I think that it was because I didn't download all the files needed by nrutils. my bad