llorz / SGA19_zoomOut

code for the paper "ZoomOut: Spectral Upsampling for Efficient Shape Correspondence"
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about Cmap to p2p #8

Open Native537 opened 3 weeks ago

Native537 commented 3 weeks ago


I have obtained the matrix C in a .mat file. I want to use ZoomOut to get the P2P in a .mat file. How should I do this?

Best regards

llorz commented 3 weeks ago


Given a pair of shape S1, S2 with eigenfunctions B1 and B2, say you have computed the functional map C12 from S1 to S2, using B1 and B2; you can first convert the functional map into a pointwise map T21 from S2 to S1 (e.g., using https://github.com/llorz/SGA19_zoomOut/blob/master/utils/%2BfMAP/fMap2pMap.m), then use the this function to run zoomout (https://github.com/llorz/SGA19_zoomOut/blob/master/func_main/zoomOut_refine.m), where you need to specify some parameters as well.