lloyd094 / Project-GW

A TTRPG conversion of the Guild Wars Games.
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Classes: Dual Class Systems #11

Open lloyd094 opened 5 years ago

lloyd094 commented 5 years ago

For classes, we would like to encourage dual-classing. Ideally each of these classes will be balanced so that when a character reaches level 20, it will feel like the average level 20 character from D&D core. This approach will not only honor the style of GW, but also bring in plenty of character creativity.

At the start, the player chooses two classes to work with and create their character. Later (post "ascension"), the player may decide to change one or both of their classes.

For some notes taken from discord conversations, please refer to this comment: https://github.com/lloyd094/Project-GW/issues/11#issuecomment-482921561

This issue is not depreciated by newer sub-class issues - it is a general purpose issue.

lloyd094 commented 5 years ago

As shared by /u/sirjisu: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NRbySXPYdnWhk_0Rvf2HAaFB27O66vSAwI7LCN7G2_c/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=103400794760436578907

lloyd094 commented 5 years ago

Created a sheet called The Classes of Guild Wars.md.

lloyd094 commented 5 years ago

Updated class (profession) specifics grabbed from Wiki. By analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of each class as presented in the video game, we can better translate the feel into 5e classes.

lloyd094 commented 5 years ago

Updating with ideas from Discord:

what it we created a class. its bassically the only playable class in this setting. but hear me out call it something like "the ascended" its primary feature is that at level 1 you choose a "primary" class, say fighter. you get all the same things a fighter does. then at level 2 you get a "secondary" class, say paladin but you get its lvl 1 benefits minus one core thing (like the core skill in GW). so its kinda like free multiclassing, in a way. which is bassically what GW does. but the secondary is nerfed so that the primary choice is relevant so like, say i wanted to be a 5e Monk/Fighter

my character level is lvl 7. so as the ascended class, you are essentially Monk 7 Fighter 3 (character lvl divided by 2 round down) you get all of the core monk traits. and all of the core Fighter traits except second wind (which i think is the thing that sets fighters most apart from others. i think we would have to exclude subclasses from the secondary, so you couldnt be like, way of the drunken fist/battlemaster. but you would be way of the drunken fist, plus second wind, puls weapon/armor proficiencies etc or we could keep the subclasses from the secondary, just nerf them a bit. so that we dont have PCs too OP

so by end game, you are essentially Monk 20 Fighter 10 but the fighter part is nerfed slightly so that you dont really feel like a lvl 30 character, but more than likely stronger than a lvl 20 character in 5e


Ideally, each of these classes would be built with the multiclassing in mind though - so when your Necro/Warrior is lvl 20, it feels compatible with other lvl 20 D&D classes.

Essentially, part of what we'll end up doing is making a ton of new classes that could be, with some extra tracking down of spells or what not, used in regular D&D if people wanted. Balance however would be more important between the GW classes first, with normal D&D second if possible.


shade-the commented 4 years ago

i assume ascension will be part of the dual class system? if not i can move it to a new issue but putting it here for now

heres some thoughts i had about the ascension. at level uhh. 10 for now. you "ascend" or in the campaign you eventually get to a point that requires ascending but you can only ascend through a specific quest after at least being level 10. a dm could choose to have them DO this quest or just ascend at level 10. since ascending will let you choose a different secondary, i guess its basically a "reroll your points" kind of thing no?

then whatever decision is made you are now locked in to that secondary. unless the dm not doing the campaign wants to allow more changes but this would allow more rerolls. which fits more gw1 than it does normal dnd style but i guess the option would be there? maybe even it be an option for the campaign too!

then also my idea was making the combo (if permanent) a buffed version of the combo, such as more stats or abilities. that you didnt get until ascending and choosing a perma secondary. but this idea wouldnt work in an infinite swapping option, unless you also had the choice to CHOOSE a permanent secondary and get these buffs or not take it and still have the choice to change secondary. which is an idea.

these are just my free roaming thoughts

Narcemus commented 4 years ago

I figured I would go ahead and post this here.

"So, I just had an idea about dual professions. This may be a terrible idea, but it's an idea nonetheless. What if we just get rid of the multi class system with all of it's confusion. Then, instead of having each profession have archetypes (which I struggled with in Guild Wars 1 professions) at 2nd or 3rd level you get the chance to take on a secondary profession.

For each profession we would have a chart of what things you get if you were to take that profession as your primary, and what things you get if you take it as a secondary. I feel like it could streamline things, but I haven't fully thought through the ramifications (such as all professions having the same blank spots for secondary profession improvements)."