lloyd094 / Project-GW

A TTRPG conversion of the Guild Wars Games.
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Creature Conversions: Prophecies #14

Open lloyd094 opened 4 years ago

lloyd094 commented 4 years ago

We are in need of creatures for Guild Wars Prophecies. These will be for the Bestiary section of this project.

Creature List

**Abomination** - [ ] Abomination - [ ] Flesh Golem **Animal** - [ ] Black Bear - [ ] Dune Lizard - [ ] Elder Wolf - [ ] Lynx - [ ] Moa Bird - [ ] Snow Wolf - [ ] Warthog **Arachnids** - [ ] Lava Spitter - [ ] Maguuma Spider **Behemoth** - [ ] Crag Behemoth - [ ] Dune Burrower - [ ] Root Behemoth - [ ] Tar Behemoth **Centaur** - [ ] Losaru - [ ] Maguuma - [ ] Shiverpeak **Charr** - [ ] Charr **Demons** - [ ] Arm of Insanity - [ ] Blade of Corruption **Devourer** - [ ] Carrion Devourer - [ ] Crimson Devourer - [ ] Fevered Devourer - [ ] Plague Devourer - [ ] Rockshot Devourer - [ ] Thorn Devourer - [ ] Whiptail Devourer **Drake** - [ ] Drake - [ ] Grand Drake - [ ] Lightning Drake - [ ] Sand Drake **Dredge** - [ ] Dredge - [ ] Dredge Brute - [ ] Dredge Scout - [ ] Dredge Shaman **Dryder** - [ ] Dark Flame Dryder - [ ] Frostfire Dryder **Dwarves** - [ ] Stone Summit **Elementals** - [ ] Boulder Elementals - [ ] Crystal Guardian - [ ] Crystal Spider - [ ] Ice Golem - [ ] Rock Ice - [ ] Sand Golem - [ ] Siege Ice Golem - [ ] Stone Golem **Enchanted Armor** - [ ] Enchanted Burrower - [ ] Forgotten Avenger - [ ] Enchanted Hammer - [ ] Enchanted Sword **Ettin** - [ ] Ettin - [ ] Enslaved Ettin - [ ] Igneous Ettin - [ ] Snow Ettin **Forgotten** - [ ] Forgotten **Gargoyle** - [ ] Flash Gargoyle - [ ] Mergoyle - [ ] Resurrect Gargoyle - [ ] Shatter Gargoyle **Ghost** - [ ] Eidolon - [ ] Enemy Ghostly Hero - [ ] Phantom - [ ] Seal Guardian - [ ] Spirit of the Fallen - [ ] Wraith **Giant** - [ ] Enslaved Frost Giant - [ ] Furnace Guardian - [ ] Hill Giant - [ ] Sand Giant - [ ] Tundra Giant **Grawl** - [ ] Grawl - [ ] Grawl Crone **Griffon** - [ ] Blessed Griffon - [ ] Desert Griffon **Human** - [ ] Bandit - [ ] Cult of Vereta - [ ] Henchman - [ ] White Mantle **Hydra** - [ ] Hydra - [ ] Mahgo Hydra **Imp** - [ ] Fire Imp - [ ] Inferno Imp - [ ] Ice Imp - [ ] Lava Imp **Jade Constructs** - [ ] Jade Armor - [ ] Jade Bow - [ ] Jade Seal **Lich** - [ ] Undead Lich **Minotaur** - [ ] Forest Minotaur - [ ] Minotaur **Mursaat** - [ ] Mursaat **Nightmares** - [ ] Azure Shadow - [ ] Fog Nightmare - [ ] Nightmare (Ring of Fire Variant) **Phantoms** - [ ] Portal Wraith - [ ] Smoke Phantom **Plant** - [ ] Ancient Oakheart - [ ] Crown of Thorns - [ ] Entangling Roots - [ ] Juniper Bark - [ ] Life Pod - [ ] Oakheart - [ ] Pinesoul - [ ] Redwood Shepherd - [ ] Reed Stalker - [ ] Salving Cactus - [ ] Singed Oak - [ ] Spined Aloe - [ ] Thorn Stalker **Rider** - [ ] Breeze Keeper - [ ] Storm Kin - [ ] Storm Rider - [ ] Wind Rider **Scarab** - [ ] Jade Scarab - [ ] Marrow Scarab - [ ] Moss Scarab - [ ] Rock-Eater - [ ] Scarab Nest Builder **Skale** - [ ] Bog Skale - [ ] Bog Skale Blighter - [ ] Bog Skale Icetooth - [ ] Jungle Skale **Skeletons** - [ ] Hellhound - [ ] Skeleton **Tengu** - [ ] Avicara - [ ] Caromi **Titans** - [ ] Armageddon Lord - [ ] Burning Titan - [ ] Dark Titan - [ ] Fist of the Titans - [ ] Frost Titan - [ ] Hand of the Titans - [ ] Icy Brute - [ ] Risen Ashen Hulk - [ ] Spark of the Titans - [ ] Titan - [ ] Titan's Heart - [ ] Titan's Malice **Trolls** - [ ] Fen Troll - [ ] Jungle Troll - [ ] Mountain Troll **Wurm** - [ ] Frost Wurm - [ ] Sand Wurm - [ ] Siege Wurm - [ ] Wurm **Zombies** - [ ] Bone Dragon - [ ] Damned - [ ] Executioner - [ ] Ghoul - [ ] Necrid Horseman - [ ] Rotting Dragon - [ ] Zombie --------------

This list can be also be found under /Prophecies/Assets/Creature Encounters.xlsx. Additionally, the current tables can also be viewed as a picture, located in /Prophecies/Assets/Encounter Tables/.

For the creatures listed in the above locations, I need the following:

These do not need to all be done by the same individual. For example, some people can focus solely on stat blocks, while others can focus entirely on the lore.

Many of these monsters can be reworked D&D creatures as long as they feel similar to the GW counter part. Others will likely take a bit more work to do.


lloyd094 commented 4 years ago

This issue is a continuation and replacement of Issue #13.

lloyd094 commented 4 years ago

08/29/2019: I have now updated this post with the entire list for the Prophecies campaign.