lloyd094 / Project-GW

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Races: Dwarf #19

Open lloyd094 opened 5 years ago

lloyd094 commented 5 years ago

There are two factions of Dwarf in Prophecies:

Dwarves as a whole should be fairly simple to use. There is likely little to no changes needed from the stock 5e race. However, I would like to get faction differences for the dwaves if we can find a good way to do so. A good example of this would be how TES: Skyrim has Imperials, Breton, etc. - all human, but from different regions. If anyone has any additional changes to be made, I would love to hear!

Initial information gathered can be found in /Prophecies/Curated Info/The Races of Guild Wars Prophecies.md.

Narcemus commented 5 years ago

Dwarves The dwarves are one of the oldest races of Tyria, having a history that goes back long before humans ever stepped foot on Tyria. They are a short, stout race of bearded humanoids that live throughout the Shiverpeak Mountains, building halls deep beneath and above. Among the dwarves can be found some of the best blacksmith's, artisans, and miners. They have many tools and machines that assist with these tasks, including kegs of black powder. Many dwarves worship the Great Dwarf as their creator and believe that upon death they will find their way to the Great Forge. Some dwarves are also known to revere the human gods also, specifically Dwayna and Grenth on Wintersday.

A great divide grew between the dwarves when the Great Destroyer arose and their King, Jalis Ironhammer, enacted a ritual that converted the dwarves in his present company into Stone Dwarves. This, then, created a longing within the dwarves for them to undergo the rite themselves and join their brethren, but many still hold off.

Ability Score: +1 Constitution Average Height: 4’ 3” - 4’ 9” Average Weight: 160 - 220 lb Age: Less than 100 Years Size: Medium Speed: 25’, Even when encumbered Vision: Darkvision (60’) Languages: Dwarven & New Krytan Dwarven Combat Training: You have proficiency with the battleaxe, handaxe, light hammer, and warhammer. Subraces: Deldrimor Dwarves and Stone Dwarves.

Deldrimor Dwarves The Deldrimor dwarves are those left who have not undergone the Rite. Because of the Rite, much of the civilization that they have created has started falling into disuse and disrepair, but the dwarves are a strong and hearty race and most plan to hold out as long as possible.

Ability Score: +1 Wisdom Tool Proficiency: You gain proficiency with one of the artisan’s tools of your choice: smith’s tools, brewer’s supplies, or mason’s tools. Dwarven Armor Training: You have proficiency with light and medium armor. Stonecunning: Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

Stone Dwarves The stone dwarves are vastly different from their brethren. Physically they exist and living stone, making them a strong and resilient race, but their minds are not entirely their own. The Stone Dwarves are all connected together with a sort of hive mind that, while allowing for individuality, drives them towards destroying the minions of the Elder Dragons, wherever they find them.

Ability Score: +1 Strength Age: Immortal until body destroyed or parts detached from head. Dragon Fury: After becoming Stone, the stone dwarf hive mind drives stone dwarves to fight the minions of creatures they have recently grown to call Elder Dragons. If such a creature is encountered, you must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or become forced to combat these minions until they are dead. At the end of each turn you may retake this saving throw to shrug off the effect, if so you will be immune for the remainder of this encounter. Stone Resistance: As a being of stone, you are immune to disease. You also do not have to eat, sleep, drink, or breathe. Magic cannot force you to sleep and you cannot be exhausted from a lack of rest. Sentry’s Rest: While you do not need to sleep, you do need to spend 6 hours in an inert state to gain the effects of a Long Rest. During this time, you remain conscious of your surroundings. Stone Form: Being a creature of stone, your body has a base AC of 12 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield’s benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor. You gain resistance to non-magical pierce and slash.