lloydmeta / frunk

Funktional generic type-level programming in Rust: HList, Coproduct, Generic, LabelledGeneric, Validated, Monoid and friends.
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More mapping transmogrifications #152

Closed bossmc closed 5 years ago

bossmc commented 5 years ago

Add transmogrification through:

The Result implementation is more complicated because it's possible for the T to be a labelled generic while the U isn't (or vice-versa) and hence I've added a proper Repr for it and a case for transmogrifying the Reprs based on the internals.

Unit test included for all of the above.

ExpHP commented 5 years ago

My gut feeling (without having looked at the implementation yet) is that Result should only recurse into T, not the error type. Support for one that does both sides could be provided as integration with the either crate (a type specifically designed so that both type parameters play similar roles).

bossmc commented 5 years ago

My gut feeling (without having looked at the implementation yet) is that Result should only recurse into T, not the error type. Support for one that does both sides could be provided as integration with the either crate (a type specifically designed so that both type parameters play similar roles).

The use case I'm looking at is for converting between types that appear in auto-generated crates, in many cases the internal types are created from the same inputs to the auto-generation so they're "identical", but because they're in different crates they're deemed different. These types get used in all kinds of containers within the autogenerated code (in particular, some get used as the T of Results and some are used as the E of Results) hence the desired to be able to transmogrify these objects wherever they appear in container types.

ExpHP commented 5 years ago

Can I see where Result appears in your generated code? To me, Result is a control flow construct that should seldom appear inside a type (except in something ephemeral and generic like std::iter::Peekable<std::io::Lines>). For something that is semantically a container, one should be using Either. (and if Result only appears as the top-level type, I'm not sure what the issue is with using .map() or .map_err() unless the calls to .transmogrify() are also in generated code)

bossmc commented 5 years ago

I've had a chat with various people, and we've concluded you're correct, the Result instances are always the top-level type (i.e. not nested in other structures). I can either remove the impl completely, or restrict it to only allowing the T to be recursed into. I suspect that, given the existence of map(|t| t.transmogrify()) you'll say remove it.

ExpHP commented 5 years ago

I am equally fine with either option. Having it goes well together with the Option impl. If you feel that others may expect it to transform the error type, however, then removing it may be the safer bet.

lloydmeta commented 5 years ago

Given a result: Result<T, Err1> inside a fn foo -> Result<T, Err2>, when you do let t = result?, if there's an error, the compiler is hard-coded to do a transformation from Err1 to Err2 if there exists an impl From<Err2> for Err1 right? On the surface, it feels similar to what's being done here, albeit I can also see that transmogrification might be considered more "magical" and the semantics are a bit different...

I actually don't have a good conclusion for this trail of thought, but just thought it might help advance the discussion :)

bossmc commented 5 years ago

As a pragmatic solution I'm going to remove the Result support completely from this PR, as the rest seems uncontroversial, and raise a separate PR for Result support (and further discussion).

bossmc commented 5 years ago

I've applied the above markups (and removed the Result support).

bossmc commented 5 years ago

I've not pushed the Result implementation as I think there's a nicer solution which I'm prototyping now.

lloydmeta commented 5 years ago

I've not pushed the Result implementation as I think there's a nicer solution which I'm prototyping now.

Nice. I wonder if we can make something generic so that the work you do there Dan be used to make it possible to derive LabelledGeneric for enums in the general case. Perhaps we can make use of coproduct?

Inspiration : GHC uses it for the equiv of enum there (Multi constructor)

bossmc commented 5 years ago

Indeed, that's the plan, I've got the Transmogrify impl working and I'm making good progress on the derive enhancements. I'm currently working "out of tree" by importing frunk-proc-macro-helpers (so I can deliver something to my coworkers while we thrash out the upstreaming).

I didn't think to use Coproduct because I'm not super up on my Category Theory, so the current implementation uses

enum HEither<H, T> {

With a common Repr being HEither<T1, HEither<T2, HEither<T3, Void>>> (plus labels for conversion).

lloydmeta commented 5 years ago

Nice :) That works too; that's basically all Coproduct really is anyway :D Sounds like you're cooking up some awesome stuff; can't wait to see it :)

bossmc commented 5 years ago

Phew, that took longer than expected... I had a working code base weeks ago, then the real world got in the way.

To allow me to ship this function to teams at work, I've actually done the implementation in a separate pair of crates, which I've just open-sourced at https://github.com/Metaswitch/frunk-enum in case you're interested.