Hi, I just started using this crate and looks quite promising!
I want to check if there is some limitation with the crate or maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Here is what I found in my tests:
Enum to enum, works.
Struct without enum, works.
Struct with enum, do not work.
Is the correct? Is it possible to convert a complex struct with enum fields?
Here is a minimal example.
I have a BaseStruct with an BaseEnum field, all of them derive from LabelledGeneric, and I want to convert to a TargetStruct with a TargetEnum field. All of the them have the same names and member order.
extern crate frunk;
extern crate frunk_core;
use frunk::{labelled::Transmogrifier, LabelledGeneric};
fn main() {
// works
let target: TargetEnum = frunk::labelled_convert_from(BaseEnum::default());
// works
let target: TargetStruct = frunk::labelled_convert_from(BaseStruct::default());
let target: TargetStruct = frunk::transform_from(BaseStruct::default());
let target: TargetStruct = BaseStruct::default().transmogrify();
// Doesn't work
let target: TargetStruct = frunk::from_labelled_generic(BaseStruct::default());
// No conversion works for the "complex" struct
let target: TargetComplexStruct = frunk::labelled_convert_from(BaseComplexStruct::default());
let target: TargetComplexStruct = frunk::from_labelled_generic(BaseComplexStruct::default());
let target: TargetComplexStruct = frunk::transform_from(BaseComplexStruct::default());
let target: TargetComplexStruct = BaseComplexStruct::default().transmogrify();
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, LabelledGeneric)]
enum BaseEnum {
impl Default for BaseEnum {
fn default() -> Self {
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, LabelledGeneric)]
enum TargetEnum {
#[derive(Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, LabelledGeneric)]
struct BaseStruct {
test: String,
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, LabelledGeneric)]
struct TargetStruct {
test: String,
#[derive(Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, LabelledGeneric)]
struct BaseComplexStruct {
test: String,
other: BaseEnum,
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, LabelledGeneric)]
struct TargetComplexStruct {
test: String,
other: TargetEnum,
Hi, I just started using this crate and looks quite promising!
I want to check if there is some limitation with the crate or maybe I'm doing something wrong. Here is what I found in my tests:
Is the correct? Is it possible to convert a complex struct with enum fields?
Here is a minimal example. I have a BaseStruct with an BaseEnum field, all of them derive from LabelledGeneric, and I want to convert to a TargetStruct with a TargetEnum field. All of the them have the same names and member order.