lloydtorres / stately

A NationStates app for Android.
Apache License 2.0
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strings pt-BR #12

Open eduardomps opened 7 years ago

eduardomps commented 7 years ago

Corujea here, as I mentioned, that would be the easy part ;)

a few untranslated strings (marked with ? comments), and some possibly contentious localizations, mainly those which would be needed to be translated in NS as well (marked with ! comments)

lloydtorres commented 7 years ago

Hey @eduardomps! Thank you so much -- I really appreciate that you took the time to go through Stately's strings. I like that you even translated strings like "Making NationStates Great Again" through a cultural filter (though I wasn't aware that "Ordem e Progresso" had a conservative connotation to it).

There's actually a couple more strings that need to be translated in arrays.xml. Would you mind translating and adding everything above line 50 to your pull request? (Everything else is hardcoded from NS, which will be tedious to translate).

One major issue right now is that some parts of the app combine hardcoded strings (that are translated) and data from NS (in English), like so:

overview-1 overview-2

Is it fine to leave them this way? Would it be better to keep them in English? Or maybe translate those parts of NS as well?

In some parts of the app, the logic assumes an English grammar structure and builds strings that way. One place where this is obvious is the timestamp system. The app builds phrases like "3 days from now" and "2 hours ago" using a template: <quantity> <unit> <past/future>. I'm not sure if these translate properly into Portuguese:

overview-3 overview-4

Let me know what you think.

Also, I'm actually implementing Z-Day into Stately at the moment, so I'll probably bug you later for more translations as well. :P

Thanks again!

lloydtorres commented 7 years ago

A few more things I forgot to add:

"Switch nation list" refers to the list that pops up when a user wants to switch nations (Switch/Trocar). Hope that helps with context.

For the translations marked with a !, I noticed that most of them refer to NS terms like World Assembly and RMB. I think there's two approaches we could take -- either keep things consistent within Portuguese (so World Assembly would be Assembleia Mundial and WA would be AM), or add the English acronym with the translation (e.g. Assembleia Mundial (WA) and Mural Regional (RMB)). I'm fine with what you currently have though.

eduardomps commented 7 years ago

as jack the ripper:

1- yeah, "Ordem e Progresso" is also our flag's motto, but it has been used by the ex-vice, ex-incumbent, now president as slogan, and he did make quite a comeback to the righ-wing policies (after the impeachment of which was a so-called left-wing government, which previously used the other slogan) 2- hours ago/horas atrás, that one is correct, but the "voting ends..." one not quite. It probably would be best if they were merged into a single item, in latin languages it just works differently from english. 3- Z-Day, yay, sure! 4- Oh, "switch..." refers to that popup, now I got it, I'll update, thanks 5- Yeah, I think I'll just keep the full translated way, at least until more people see it and possibly suggest other possibilities. 6- Last, but not least, I'll check the arrays

ps.: now I really want to suggest the long, tedious, hard work of localizing all NS...