lltcggie / waifu2x-caffe

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Which command line model corrosponds to which GUI model? #156

Closed Joachim-Otahal closed 5 years ago

Joachim-Otahal commented 5 years ago

Command line model models\upconv_7_anime_style_art_rgb gives me the best result for my current batch. But which GUI-Model is upconv_7_anime_style_art_rgb? I tried them all seven of them and the result looked different. I also notice I have eight models on the cmdline version, so that exact model might be missing in the GUI version... Apart from that: Running very stable and very well here, > 200'000 frames already upsampled...

nagadomi commented 5 years ago
model_dir Resource ID English Label
models/upconv_7_anime_style_art_rgb IDC_RADIO_MODEL_UPCONV_RGB 2-D illust (UpRGB Model)
models/upconv_7_photo IDC_RADIO_MODEL_UPCONV_PHOTO Photo (UpPhoto Model)
models/anime_style_art_rgb IDC_RADIO_MODEL_RGB 2-D illust (RGB Model)
models/photo IDC_RADIO_MODEL_PHOTO Photography, Anime
models/anime_style_art IDC_RADIO_MODEL_Y 2-D illust (Y Model)
models/upresnet10 IDC_RADIO_MODEL_UpResNet10 2-D illust (UpResNet10)
models/cunet IDC_RADIO_MODEL_CUNET 2-D illust (CUnet Model)

From code. https://github.com/lltcggie/waifu2x-caffe/blob/8b53d0f086f44723cb6e101c12e42e63fb4c6a63/waifu2x-caffe-gui/MainDialog.h#L39-L69 https://github.com/lltcggie/waifu2x-caffe/blob/master/bin/lang/english.json

model/ukbench is prototype of photo model made long time ago, just ignore it.

Joachim-Otahal commented 5 years ago

Thank you!