lluiscab / MPQTT

MPQTT is a linux program used to extract data from Voltronic / Axpert / MasterPower inverters and sending it to MQTT for use in Home Assistant
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Openhab compatibility #8

Open pin32 opened 1 year ago

pin32 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I would like to use this project to connect to the voltronic vmIII device. I run the Openhab server on a Raspberry Pi4. Is it possible to adapt the SW for this use?

pin32 commented 1 year ago

I tried to install on my rpi setting the configuration files with the data of the MQTT server and from mqtt explorer I see many messages. The software could solve my inverter control problem but I would like to understand you can use it on OpenAB (now I have configured this for my home automation). I would be very grateful if you could get this SW working on OpenHab. Thank you for your reply.

lluiscab commented 1 year ago

Hi!, Glad you got it working.

Once you get messages send over to MQTT, then your next step would be to configure OpenHab to read from those messages, unfortunately I'm not gonna be able to help you with that as I'm not a OpenHab user. It seems like this guide might help