llvm / circt

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[FIRTOOL] -verilog flag should not include firrtl_black_box_resource_files.f #2266

Open lsteveol opened 2 years ago

lsteveol commented 2 years ago

As discussed in https://github.com/llvm/circt/issues/2254 , firtool -verilog will append the contents of the firrtl_black_box_resource_files.f file into the output verilog file. This results in non-compliant verilog. Since these BlackBox modules are included in the output verilog the firrtl_black_box_resource_files.f doesn't appear to be useful anyways.

-split-verilog does not have this issue.

Below is an example

//previous valid verilog
        // /home/lsteveol/projects/wlink_test/wav-wlink-hw/output-chirrtl/Wlink.fir:33116:13

// ----- 8< ----- FILE "firrtl_black_box_resource_files.f" ----- 8< -----

./wlink_wlink_axi_wFC_l2a_37x32.v   // /home/lsteveol/projects/wlink_test/wav-wlink-hw/output-chirrtl/Wlink.fir:2:1

sashimi-yzh commented 1 year ago

This problem still exists in firtool 1.44.0.

darthscsi commented 5 months ago

-verilog is only suitable for writing test-cases in the compile, it will not in general produce valid verilog. I intend to hide the option at some point in the future.