llvm / circt

Circuit IR Compilers and Tools
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CombDataflow op interface should not exist in the HW dialect #7220

Open prithayan opened 1 week ago

prithayan commented 1 week ago

The CombDataflow op interface is being used only in the FIRRTL dialect, CheckCombLoops pass, resolve the downstream dependencies to ensure the interface can be defined in the FIRRTL dialect. Related to: https://github.com/llvm/circt/pull/7195/files

mortbopet commented 1 week ago

Drive-by comment: Alternatively, something like CheckCombLoops seems like a perfectly applicable, relevant and generally very useful pass to have at a core-dialect level... so perhaps it isn't the interface that needs to move (may be it needs to move to comb), but instead the pass that needs to be made more generic.